Friday, January 28, 2022


I'm tiny,  but can hold loads. 

I bet you have one like me: 

In your pocket,

Or your purse,

In your  wallet,

On your shelf.

In your drawer

Or somewhere else.

Be careful not to misplace me.

Do stay alert, my friend,

Because if I disappear,

I'm sure you'll pull out all your hair

And throw a magnificent tantrum

Even if you are middle-aged,

Wearing a suit and respected

By your one thousand employees

And feared by some of them.

I do understand, don't worry,

Losing me can be like losing 

months and months of hard work.

What am I?

Written by: Maria Garcia

On this day, many years ago, Pride and Prejudice was published

The wonderful novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in the United Kingdom on this date in 1813.

Some of the great ones.

Do you like the photos below?

Which one (if any) is your favourite?

Do you like black and white pics?

Do you ever listen to the Beatles?

What do you know about them?


Can you try it and share your results with us? Do you think they really describe you?


Do you remember a synonym for swear word that I taught you in class?


Thursday, January 27, 2022

SABATON - Soldier Of Heaven. Do not watch yet.

Listen to the song and summarise the story in just a few words. Don't read the lyrics till you have finished the previous exercise.

Can you read this and explain it in your own words?

Making a Will
A man went to his lawyer and said, "I would like to make a will but I don't know exactly how to go about it."

The lawyer says, "Don't worry. Leave it all to me."

The man, looking somewhat upset said, "Well I knew you were going to take the biggest slice, but I'd like to leave a little to my children too!"

Monday, January 24, 2022

50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture

1. Do you agree with what she says about Spain?
2. I do something she mentions in the video (almost at the beginning). What do you think it is?

English for Emails: Formal and informal language

Please do watch the video. It will help you with a class activity we're doing this week and also might come in handy on the day of the May exam.
Remember the format and the greeting and leave-taking formulas are very important. Don't forget to use a comma after each of these.
Another important thing: as the speaker says, some of the things she explains are quite subjective, so choose the expressions you like better as long as they are appropriate.
And one last thing: paragraphs do exist! Each new idea should be contained in a new paragraph.
I hope this helps.

Be sincere, do you often gossip?

1. Do you agree with the text above?

2. What does to vent mean?

3. Who sang a song about a lady who loved gossiping and not in a nice way?

Meat Loaf

 Do you think legends live forever? Explain.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

GOODBYE. Flash fiction. For Francisco.😉

She stood still, holding her handbag tight against her coat. Her eyes were fixed on his retreating back. It was as if her surroundings didn't exist.

Please look at me, at least look at me. We've been together for so long, I can't bear the idea of being  away from you. 

Nothing. He kept on walking resolutely, his back straight. He looked eager to start a new adventure. She could tell just from his posture and from how quickly he moved. He was wearing long grey trousers and a white shirt, no jumper as the weather was still hot.

When she was about to turn around and leave, she noticed he was looking at her, smiling uncertainly.

'Bye, Mum,' he shouted and then ran into the school building. He was still her little boy.

The tear that had been rolling down her cheek, stopped half-way. It was no longer necessary. She removed it with the back of her hand.

 Written by Maria Garcia

The New Yorker in your inbox for free. C2.1.

If you want to receive FREE emails about current events and interesting topics that we don't deal with in class, I recommend:

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Best of Katherine of Aragon - The Tudors

A Scottish friend has sent me this. He wants to know if the actress who plays Catherine of Aragon speaks good Spanish. What do you think?

The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper Read Aloud

What do you think is the purpose of this story?
Is it just for kids or can it help adults in any way?

Monday, January 17, 2022

Angra, Wuthering Heights.

1. What is this song based on?
2. Could you summarise the original story? (just a couple of sentences)
3. Do you like the song?
4. What can you tell me about Angra?

Laughter is the best medicine


Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (Official Music Video)

How much do you know about Guns N' Roses? I know practically nothing about them because back then I was listening to... Well, I think I won't tell you. It's too embarrassing.

Incidentally, You-Know-Who has a cover of this song, but you haven't heard it from me.

Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday. Can you explain what that is? Is this the first time you hear this term?


Thursday, January 13, 2022


Wonderful Restaurant

Two men were chatting in the living room while their wives were in the kitchen. One of the men was telling the other about this wonderful restaurant he and his wife had visited a few days earlier.

"Wow, sounds great! What's the name of it?"

"Hmm, what was it? Darn, I'm having a hard time remembering. Oh, what's that flower with the pink blossom and thorns on the stem?"

"You mean a rose?"

"Yeah, that's it." Then looking over his shoulder he shouted, "Hey Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to the other night?"


This is one of my favourite songs ever.
Can you summarise what the lyrics say?


This is something I never do, but I admit it's great advice. If I put it into practice, my stress levels would go down big time.

What about you?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Why was India split into two countries?

SABATON - 82nd All The Way ft. Amaranthe (Live - The Great Tour - Oslo). Recommended by Carlos. I'm telling you just in case you need somebody to blame. :)

In the draft of 1917, a man from Tennessee
Overseas to the trenches he went, from the land of the free
Into war he brought two things along, a rifle and his faith
Joined the ranks as a private, assigned to 338th
There on that day
Alvin York entered the fray
Saving the day
82nd all the way
Into the fires of hell, the Argonne, a hero to be
Entered the war from over the sea
Intervene, 1918, all the way from Tennessee
Hill 223
When his faith has been put to the test, the call to arms he heeds
On the eighth of October he went, made a sergeant for his deeds
Fearless, leading the raid of the war, machine gun on the hill
Charge the enemy taking the prisoners by power of his will
There on that day
Sergeant York entered the fray
Saving the day
82nd all the way
Into the fires of hell, the Argonne, a hero to be
Entered the war from over the sea
Intervene, 1918, all the way from Tennessee
Hill 223
What Sergeant York achieved that day
Would echo to the U.S.A
It's 82nd all the way
Death from above, what they now say
What Sergeant York achieved that day
Echoes from France to the U.S.A
It's 82nd all the way
Death from above, what they now say
Into the fires of hell, the Argonne, a hero to be
Entered the war from over the sea
Intervene, 1918, all the way from Tennessee
Hill 223
Hell, the Argonne, a hero to be
Entered the war from over the sea
Intervene, 1918, all the way from Tennessee
Hill 223

How important is education in your opinion? Why?



Can you tell me what a turnstile is? Do you know where you could find one?

Monday, January 10, 2022


What is the meaning of the expression 'to hold your peace'?

Thinking of this sentence that is spoken at weddings will help you:

“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace”

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Do you understand the punchline?


A man is driving down a country road, when he spots a farmer standing in the middle of a huge field of wheat.

He pulls the car over to the side of the road and notices that the farmer is just standing there, doing nothing, looking at nothing.

The man gets out of the car, walks all the way out to the farmer and asks him, "Ah excuse me mister, but what are you doing?

"The farmer replies, "I'm trying to win a Nobel Prize.

"How?" asks the man, puzzled.

"Well, I heard they give the Nobel Prize . . . to people who are out standing in their field."

What does this make you think of?


Which of the twelve sentences below means 'what goes around comes around'?



 What is the meaning of thespian?

a) a ritual 

b) a meal 

c) an actor 

Source: Owad

"Burn Butcher Burn"

1. What is The Witcher?
2. Are you fond of it?
3. Can you tell me two things Dan is wearing that he doesn't usually wear?
4. Tell me three words with the same vowel sound as burn.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Dream Job

I always wanted to be a cop. I never dreamt of being a footballer or an astronaut. Just a cop. 

While my brother and my little sister played ball in the garden or jumped through the sprinklers, I sat in front of the television watching The Mentalist, FBI, Castle and other shows like that.

Not everybody gets lucky, but I did. My brother worked for an old lady and complained about how boring it was almost constantly.

'She's always talking about the past and she repeats the same thing again and again,' he would say.

My sister took care of our parents and was in no hurry to move out, but I was living the dream. Just by chance, I landed the best job ever. I spent my days chasing criminals, searching for drugs, and trying to solve murders.

My colleagues were all great, but my partner was my best friend. In fact, we shared a flat. It was technically his, but he didn't mind having me there.

One day, I was chasing a bank robber and when he realised I was about to catch up with him, he turned around and shot. I could have been killed, but the bullet just grazed my ear.

My partner was beside himself.

'For a moment there I thought I had lost you, buddy.'

I would have smiled if I had known how to, but I licked his face instead. It worked because, when we got home, he gave me a big, juicy bone.


This is a lot of fun, but there is a mistake.

Can you find it for me?

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The English Teacher

1. You know who the actor who plays the teacher is, don't you?
2. How would you describe the students' attitude?
3. And the teacher's?
4. What is the lesson about?
5. What does he tell Tony to do?
6. What does the teacher do when he realises somebody has written an insult on the board?

Monday, January 3, 2022



1. Do you like this painting?
2. If so, what do you like about it?
3. Who painted it?
4. What do you know about him?


Dear all,

There are instructions for your next composition in the virtual classroom. Please read them carefully.

The topic of the B2.2 composition is quite nonsensical, so don't think you aren't understanding correctly.

In C2.1 you have a very interesting topic which is also somewhat dark.

And one more thing: in the writing section of the virtual classroom you have explanations on how to write a letter to the editor and an article.

Happy writing,


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...