Friday, January 28, 2022


I'm tiny,  but can hold loads. 

I bet you have one like me: 

In your pocket,

Or your purse,

In your  wallet,

On your shelf.

In your drawer

Or somewhere else.

Be careful not to misplace me.

Do stay alert, my friend,

Because if I disappear,

I'm sure you'll pull out all your hair

And throw a magnificent tantrum

Even if you are middle-aged,

Wearing a suit and respected

By your one thousand employees

And feared by some of them.

I do understand, don't worry,

Losing me can be like losing 

months and months of hard work.

What am I?

Written by: Maria Garcia

On this day, many years ago, Pride and Prejudice was published

The wonderful novel Pride and Prejudice was first published in the United Kingdom on this date in 1813.

Some of the great ones.

Do you like the photos below?

Which one (if any) is your favourite?

Do you like black and white pics?

Do you ever listen to the Beatles?

What do you know about them?


Can you try it and share your results with us? Do you think they really describe you?


Do you remember a synonym for swear word that I taught you in class?


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...