Monday, January 17, 2022

Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday. Can you explain what that is? Is this the first time you hear this term?



  1. Blue means sad in this context but I do not understand why today is considered to be a "Sad Monday". Maybe it is because we are reaching the end of January or because of covid-19.

    1. It has nothing to do with Covid, but with the fact that we are in the middle of winter. There's less light...
      Anyway, there's nothing scientific about this concept.
      BTW, do you know what SAD is? Not the adjective, of course. An illness.

    2. I have just looked it up. It is a seasonal depression. Sorry for looking it up.

    3. Why sorry? It's a good way to learn.
      And yes, your answer is correct. I think it stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder and it's more common in countries where there is less light in winter. Britain is an example. Do you know how it can be treated?

    4. I do not really know how it can be treated but I think the best option is to see the bright side of things, to go out with friends, to stay positive, etc.

    5. You are so right. Also be kind to yourself, surround yourself with beautiful things (or so they say), keep a gratitude journal ...
      The treatment I was referring to is using a special lamp that kind of imitates sunlight. I think antidepressants are also used sometimes. We can ask Ana later, she'll know better than me.

  2. Sure! This term is actually pretty new. I believe it was first used a few years ago when a bunch of scientists affirmed that they had found a mathematical formula able to guess the saddest day of the year (like something like that could exist) and it turned to be January's third Monday. Regarding the color chosen... I assume it is because blue is usually associated to sadness.

    1. Thanks for your answer, Irene.
      Just a few things:
      - formula that would allow them...
      - turned out to be
      - chosen color
      - associated with

  3. I heard something that according to a study, today is the saddest day of the year because several factors such as the end of the Christmas holidays, the weather, the waste of money produced by Christmas and other factors

    1. Good explanation.
      You don't need something after heard.
      I'd say: the waste of money during the Christmas holidays (or something like that)

  4. Well, to me every Monday is Blue Monday from September to June :-))
    Today I can feel the Blue Monday very intense: its half January, the good weather is far, next salary is far, next holidays are far... that's the feeling every normal year but we are also living this pandemic. We still need to be cautious meeting friends, going out... and we don't know for how long. To me this is really a blue, very blue Monday.

  5. Now I'm really depressed... Just kidding. I had a lot of fun reading your comment, but I understand where you're coming from.


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