Sunday, November 14, 2021

Can you tell me what the objects below are called?


Flash Fiction. 150-word story

If you had written this story, what would you have done differently?

The Odd Couple

They were pretty strange. Both of them. She wore red from head to toe. Her hat was red, her shoes were red and so was everything in between.

Her husband looked like a beggar, but what surprised me the most was the fact that he didn't speak at all.

Every morning at breakfast, all the guests stopped talking when they walked into the restaurant. Everybody stared at them, but nobody talked to them and they didn't seem to care.

And then one day they disappeared. We thought they had left, but later on in the afternoon we were told they had been murdered in their room.

My mind moved in circles and landed on the stupidest of assumptions. At least, the blood wouldn't be visible on the woman's clothes. And her husband's would be dirty, but did it matter? After all, they were in tatters. Cruel thoughts, I reprimanded myself.

First Date by Ninja Sex Party

The singer is suggesting quite a few unconventional ideas for this first date. How many can you understand?

Which of the two versions below do you prefer?

The Willow

Can you explain what the poem below means?

I'm sitting under a willow,

My legs stretched in front of me

And an open book

Resting on my knees.

The paper absorbs the sunlight,

Shivers with pleasure.

The story floats out of the pages

Shimmering at me.

I see words dancing 

In front of my eyes.

They are blurry,

I don't know what 

They are trying to tell me.

All because my thoughts

Are somewhere else.

Somewhere far away.

Painful thoughts.




That is not real.

Something I'll never have.


Some brands have the same name both in English and in Spanish. An example is Colgate (even if the pronunciation is different).

However, this is not always the case, as you will see below.

What is his name in English?

What does his name mean?

What product does he represent?

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...