Monday, January 24, 2022

Be sincere, do you often gossip?

1. Do you agree with the text above?

2. What does to vent mean?

3. Who sang a song about a lady who loved gossiping and not in a nice way?


  1. Everybody gossips sometimes or always. Even if we are saying positive things about another person could be considered to gossip if the other person is not there. It is true that one can feel more relaxed when speaking and letting out what he/she thinks or just need to express.
    As regards the meaning of vent; it means to let off steam, to release.

    I have no idea about the song.

    1. It's a super old song and it's in Spanish. The singer is Andalusian and still alive, but he must be in his eighties. Or seventies? Not sure. As a young man, he was also an actor and he was very handsome even though he had short hair. ;)

  2. I believe that gossiping, as long as it is in a nice way, doesn't hurt anybody. As the texts explains, releasing your frustration with someone you trust can be very helpful.

    To vent means to release or to express a negative emotion forcefully.

    Not a clue about the song (I'm not very keen on music) but I did watch a TV series a few years ago called "Gossip Girl", which I enjoyed a lot.

    1. I used to watch Gossip girl with my daughter, but the characters were a bit posh for my liking. My daughter loved it though.
      Both you and D have understood to vent perfectly. Thanks.

  3. I think gossiping is not bad, if you´re not against a person, but I don´t consider myself like a person who gossips frequently...

  4. Depending on the definition of gossiping, I think I don't gossip too much either. However, I speak a lot about other people. In general, I try not to say bad things about them, but unfortunately I don't always succeed.
    The reason why I speak so much about others is that I love people.

    1. I think you are an open person, you speak a lot about yourself, it was surprising for me when I first met you, I think I am also quite communicative, but you highly overcome me

    2. I kind of do it on purpose to engage the students' attention, but it's also part of my personality. Sometimes I think I share too much.


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