Wednesday, December 29, 2021

How does Ricky Martin say 'asignatura pendiente' in the English version of the song? Read the lyrics to answer the question. The video is in Spanish.

An urgent matter

I have enough airmiles to go to Pluto
I have a fan club on the moon
An enormous house that I can see from a plane
And in the eyes of some, fortune
An army of go-fers
A photo with Bush
A suite in the Waldorf
And more cars than friends
I want to not want
I have a pair of mascots who don't know who I am
And amongst everything that I have
I can’t find sufficient reason to forget you
Your small hand waving goodbye
That rainy night in San Juan
And the kisses that I took with me
Are only yours, not the ones I gave you
Going busily into the sky,
I forgot that life is better on the ground
My Puerto Rican, my Indian, my love
My unresolved matter
My Puerto Rican, my Indian,my love
My matter pending
I have three offices and a apartment in New York
And King Midas works with me
I have several reasons for being right
that there is no reason worse than oblivion
If I connect to the boy that I was,
I want to drop anchor
And other times to escape
to some lost place
I want to not want
to buy a ticket to yesterday
And in everything I have
I cannot find reason enough to forget you
My Puerto Rican, my Indian, my love
My matter pending

Book Review

Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai is one of my favourite books. I like it not only because I love the story and the way it's written, but because it opened a whole new world for me. Till I read it, I had never heard of verse novels. Since then, however, I've read so many I've lost count.

It's a short book, like most children's and teen's novels. This doesn't mean an adult cannot enjoy it.

The story is easy to read and not very long. You can finish it in one sitting.

Inside Out and Back Again is about a young girl named Ha who lives in Vietnam. Her father disappears during the Vietnam War. Her mother, Ha, and her three brothers flee across the sea to Alabama after the fall of Saigon. Getting used to life in the States is not always easy.

It's a moving and compassionate novel. It's also lyrical without being corny. The truth is I wouldn't mind reading it again.

Current news

Sometimes my friends or ex-students send me material for the blog. Below you can see an example.

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...