Monday, January 3, 2022



1. Do you like this painting?
2. If so, what do you like about it?
3. Who painted it?
4. What do you know about him?


  1. I really like this painting, it hits my nerves because as you know, I'm absolutely keen on art. What really makes me feel astonished and makes this vibrating painting a masterpiece, it is how the artist blur the distance between him and viewer through a mixture of colours and shapes. Only an artist such as William Turner, who was an English Romantic painter, printmaker and watercolurist, could do such a wonderfull thing. Moreover, Turner was famous for his violent marine paintings like this. Nobody knew how to express a maritime big storm like him. His paintings mark the transition between the realistic landscape painting and the impressionism landscapes. Was a few years ago, when I had the opportunity to see a William Turner's exhibition, Never had I been so moved seeing artworks like that time. He could perfectly be compared with geniuses such as Caravaggio, Velázquez....

  2. I also love this painting. Well, I love all his paintings. In this case the colours are my favourite bit.

    See some corrections below:

    I really like this painting, I FIND IT VERY MOVING because as you know, I'm VERY FOND OF art. What really makes me feel astonished and makes this vibrating painting a masterpiece is how the artist blurS the distance between him and THE viewer through a mixture of colours and shapes. Only an artist such as William Turner, who was an English Romantic painter, printmaker and watercolurist, could do such a wonderfuL thing. Moreover, Turner was famous for his violent marine paintings SUCH AS THIS ONE. Nobody knew how to express a BIG maritime storm like him. His paintings mark the transition between realistic landscape painting and impressionisTIC landscapes. A few years ago I had the opportunity to see a William Turner's exhibition, I had NEVER BEEN so moved seeing artworks AS that time. He could perfectly be compared with geniuses such as Caravaggio, Velázquez....


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...