Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Dream Job

I always wanted to be a cop. I never dreamt of being a footballer or an astronaut. Just a cop. 

While my brother and my little sister played ball in the garden or jumped through the sprinklers, I sat in front of the television watching The Mentalist, FBI, Castle and other shows like that.

Not everybody gets lucky, but I did. My brother worked for an old lady and complained about how boring it was almost constantly.

'She's always talking about the past and she repeats the same thing again and again,' he would say.

My sister took care of our parents and was in no hurry to move out, but I was living the dream. Just by chance, I landed the best job ever. I spent my days chasing criminals, searching for drugs, and trying to solve murders.

My colleagues were all great, but my partner was my best friend. In fact, we shared a flat. It was technically his, but he didn't mind having me there.

One day, I was chasing a bank robber and when he realised I was about to catch up with him, he turned around and shot. I could have been killed, but the bullet just grazed my ear.

My partner was beside himself.

'For a moment there I thought I had lost you, buddy.'

I would have smiled if I had known how to, but I licked his face instead. It worked because, when we got home, he gave me a big, juicy bone.


This is a lot of fun, but there is a mistake.

Can you find it for me?

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...