Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Translator (Short Comedy Film)

Pentatonix - "The Prayer" - OFFICIAL VIDEO

What Is Your Mental Age?

What does this poem describe?

Those who haven't met you

Cannot understand

How your black smile

Makes him want to jump.

Jump into the well,

And stay down there.

He'll never forget

The first time he saw you.

He was terrified 

Without knowing why.

Now he has reasons.

Reasons galore.

If he makes a list,

They'll cover the page.

But he's not going to,

Doesn't want to distract you.

He'll only be happy

When he watches your back,

Tiny as a dot

Far, far away.

When he sees you

Walking into the distance

And you become a memory.

Then, just like that,

He will forget you.

You'll exist no more.

You will be somewhere else

Hunting for your next prey.


What is a heist?

a) an attractive partner 

b) an armed robbery 

c) a wild party 

Is there anything in this picture that you find surprising?


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...