Sunday, January 23, 2022

GOODBYE. Flash fiction. For Francisco.😉

She stood still, holding her handbag tight against her coat. Her eyes were fixed on his retreating back. It was as if her surroundings didn't exist.

Please look at me, at least look at me. We've been together for so long, I can't bear the idea of being  away from you. 

Nothing. He kept on walking resolutely, his back straight. He looked eager to start a new adventure. She could tell just from his posture and from how quickly he moved. He was wearing long grey trousers and a white shirt, no jumper as the weather was still hot.

When she was about to turn around and leave, she noticed he was looking at her, smiling uncertainly.

'Bye, Mum,' he shouted and then ran into the school building. He was still her little boy.

The tear that had been rolling down her cheek, stopped half-way. It was no longer necessary. She removed it with the back of her hand.

 Written by Maria Garcia


  1. very nice, and surprising, I was thinking of a man who left her girl friend...

  2. I didn´t expect the ending. I enjoyed this flash fiction, I suppose that I was more resting that in previous classes.

    1. More relaxed, Fran. (instead of resting)
      I also think that I chose two stories that were too difficult for B22.

  3. Has it something to do with a past experience in your live, your son's migration to somewhere?
    Sorry teacher, It seems as I was psychoanalysing you?

  4. It seems to me, sorry.

  5. Carlos, you should say: It is as if I was psychoanalysing you.
    Thanks for making me laugh. It's pure fantasy, but I'm sure Freud would find a more sinister interpretation.

  6. Nice story! I´m sure that many mothers will identify with the main character.
    At the end of the story, I was thinking that although it is difficult, the mother should be happy because she has achieved a healthy bond and a secure attachment with her child, which allows him to explore, learn about the world and interact with others, under the tranquillity that his mother will be there to protect him. This type of relationship is decisive in behaviour and emotional development. The attachment style established during childhood can be visible in the fears or insecurities of the adult, and in the way of dealing with them.

  7. Wow! Another great comment. As a mum, I can tell you I had mixed feelings when my youngest 'became' a teenager. I knew it was natural, but at the same time I missed my baby.
    Anyway, luckily all my children are pretty independent... despite me.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...