Monday, November 27, 2023

Another A2 Blog Contribution

I am Dorys. I'm going to tell you about my hobby, teacher. 

I have loved dancing since I was a little girl. I danced in the town festival, I participated in contests with my cousins and friends. I had a lot of fun dancing and winning prizes. 

I love music and dancing, it is my favourite hobby. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music and during the week I go to the gym to practise zumba. 

Although I like to read a new book when I have some free time, most weekends I love to relax at home and spend time with family and friends, many of those weekends I do jazz dance with my daughters. My  favourite kinds of music are bachata, salsa, merengue and ballads. I love dancing: I relax and have a lot of fun, and it is also a way to exercise and improve my health.

A2 Blog Contribution


My name is María José and I am going to tell you about my hobbies.

I like dancing very much, but I don't usually go dancing because my husband doesn't like it. Sometimes my daughters and I turn on the radio and we dance a lot.

I like reading, but I don't have much time to read, so I try to read when I'm on holiday. I enjoy reading a book on the beach very much.

I like going to our family's country house in Cenicientos and take care of the flowers. I like collecting fruit and cooking jam with it. This weekend I have gone to the country and we have collected quinces. Now I have to cook  quince sweet and quince jam.

Do you like quince?

Bye, I'll see you tomorrow.


What is the meaning of the highlighted words in the sentence below?

My uncle says that success in the rat race can make you rich, but it can also turn you into a self-centred and shallow person.

Vocabulary. All levels.

Vocabulary is easy! How many days in a year are there? 365, normally (on Earth).

If you learn only 5 new words a day, you will learn 5 x 365 = 1,825 new words in a year. ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE WORDS. That is a lot of new words. And we are not counting all the other words you will learn in other ways - reading, conversation etc. Buy a notebook and write in 5 new words EACH day, EVERY day. Learn them! You will soon have an excellent vocabulary.

Click on the link below for more information:

Vocabulary | Learn English | EnglishClub

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...