Saturday, January 8, 2022

"Burn Butcher Burn"

1. What is The Witcher?
2. Are you fond of it?
3. Can you tell me two things Dan is wearing that he doesn't usually wear?
4. Tell me three words with the same vowel sound as burn.


  1. I've seen that the witcher is an american TV series, but I don't know if that is the answer you're expecting. About Dan I don't know him very much, so I can't answer your question, I've heard him singing and his voice is powerful.
    For question four I could say: turn, earn, curve

  2. Yes, everything you've written is correct. Just one thing: American (don't forget the capital A).
    If you were a student of mine this course, you'd know Dan Vasc. You'd probably be fed up with him.
    He sings all kinds of songs, most of them covers. He even sings opera. Check out his YouTube channel if you have the time and the inclination.

    1. I knew Dan Vasc because you spoke me of him, but I´ve only listened to him several times. Some of his songs are marvelous, other ones too strong for me.

    2. Same here. But I'm becoming (or have already become a metal-head).

    3. Most of my students would say the same. But I've fallen in love with metal.

    4. A lot of people have also fallen in love with it, it's not my case

    5. In my case it's mainly because of Dan Vasc. The guy in the video.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...