Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Who is this man? What can you tell me about him?


Listening Comprehension A2. Is it possible to be immortal?

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • immortality: the ability to live forever
  • phenomenon: a natural process, especially a strange or unusual one
  • species: a type of plant or animal
  • reproduce: to create new cells 
  • DNA: chemicals that contain instructions for life
  • reverse: to make something go backwards
  • extend: to make something longer
Click on the link below to listen to the audio:

Gapfill exercise

Biological immortality is a very rare phenomenon. Most species go through a  called senescence, which means the cells in their bodies stop reproducing over time. As these species get older, and death become much more likely. However, a few rare species do not experience senescence at all. Lobsters are one animal that does not age typically. They can  their own DNA using a chemical called telomerase. Tortoises also appear to delay senescence. A species called the “immortal jellyfish” is the only animal believed to be truly biologically immortal. These jellyfish can still , but not of old age. This is because they have the ability to reverse their aging process entirely. Scientists study these slow-aging species in case their cells can help extend human .



a) a culture clash

b) an emotional outburst

c) a fast decision


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English Theatre in Madrid

Like every year, I got a message from the Madrid Players advertising their pantomime. When my kids were little, we took them every year and it was great fun. In the past, only ex-pats went to see it, but now it has become very popular among students of English.

Do you know what a panto is? Can you explain in the comments?

TurrĂ³n is in the shops, Christmas decorations sit waiting in the wings and preparations for our December musical, Snow White, are well underway. 

The Madrid Players pantomime has become a highlight in the city’s cultural calendar and we cannot wait to share our work with you. 

Tickets will go on sale at 9am on Saturday 11 November via

Please note down the date. Last year, over one third of tickets sold on the day they were released. We don’t want anyone to miss out.

Snow White

December 15th - 17th 2023
Teatro Salesianos Estrecho

When the Magic Mirror tells her that Snow White is now the fairest in the land, the Wicked Queen is hopping mad. On the Queen’s orders, Big Bad Ben and Wee Willie Winkie take Snow White into the forest. However, Snow White has some pals who mind her back, including the Seven Dwarfs of course, and a new admirer in the form of Prince Pedro, the richest and most eligible bachelor on the planet.

Will Big Ben do as the Queen has ordered? How can the dwarfs and animals come to Snow White’s rescue? And does Tia Maria finally find someone to drink cocktails with?

Grammar Quiz. A2

Click on the link and choose the correct answers.

Source: English Club

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...