Thursday, January 27, 2022

Can you read this and explain it in your own words?

Making a Will
A man went to his lawyer and said, "I would like to make a will but I don't know exactly how to go about it."

The lawyer says, "Don't worry. Leave it all to me."

The man, looking somewhat upset said, "Well I knew you were going to take the biggest slice, but I'd like to leave a little to my children too!"


  1. We all know the Castilian saying 'Who divides distributes a keeps the best share' and, here, the person doing his last will is aware of the abilities of some lawyers to write legal documents in order to blur the vision of their clients.
    In this example, the client is just taking advantage to avoid it.

    1. Yes, that's what the joke means, JL.
      I was going to tell you I didn't know that proverb, but then I thought in Spanish and I got it.
      There's no English equivalent for this. Collins online dictionary explains it this way: the person in charge of sharing out always keeps the biggest bit for himself.
      About your last sentence: the client manages to protect himself (or something to that effect).

  2. As the man didn´t know anything about how to make a will, he was confused when the lawyer told him that he didn´t have to do anything, because of the man looked for an explanation.
    Besides, the man didn´t trust on lawyers.

  3. because of this the man...
    didn't trust lawyers.
    Thanks, Fran.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...