Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper Read Aloud

What do you think is the purpose of this story?
Is it just for kids or can it help adults in any way?


  1. The main purpose of this story is to talk about solidarity among human beings. The different engines used as a metaphor, a Shiny New Engine, the Big Strong Enginge, the Rusty Old Engine and finally, the Little Blue Engine, represent distinctive personalites, the arrogant, the powerful and the old fashioned or depressive person, those who refuse to offer their help due to their own selfishness. Only then, the person who we do not expect, that one who in spite of their limitations don't refuse to help, suddenly appears because he or she is sympathetic with other people.
    On the other hand, the use of a language resource such as the onomatopeia could further reinforce the message, emphasising the Old Engine's fragility and the Blue Engine's great effort.
    Obviously, we can just extrapolate the message for kids but also for adults.

    1. Very good explanation, Carlos. I have to thank you once again for the effort you put in the blog.
      Just a little thing: that one who in spite of their limitations DOESN'T...

  2. I think history shows that with optimism and hard work you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
    And of course, adults can learn from this video (or from reading the book): that line, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" has gotten me through different demanding situations in my life (as a grown woman).
    Actually, one of the most used statements in self-help books is the same moral: stay positive, work hard and make it happen.

  3. The exact sentence that you mention is the one that was highlighted by the author of Happiness for Dummies. (I've just listened to part of it). In fact he suggested we read the story every day.
    I have to say this sentence reminds me of the only politician I've ever been crazy about. Barack Obama.


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