Monday, January 24, 2022

50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture

1. Do you agree with what she says about Spain?
2. I do something she mentions in the video (almost at the beginning). What do you think it is?


  1. I agree, she says people in Spain don´t respect queus, and sometimes it´s true, at least for a lot of people.
    And I think you drink a lot of tea, perhaps...

  2. I also agree with the fact that some spanish people doesn't respect queues and also with the fact that some persons talk loudly on their phones when they are on the bus..
    And I also agree with the tea habit!

    1. Marian, Cristina,
      You are both right. I love tea, but I was thinking of something else that I think nobody would do here in Spain unless they've lived in England. And to be frank it makes me feel a bit silly.

  3. She also talks about kisses in the face, It's common in Britain to greet people with one of them, only foreing visitors or Uk's people who come from abroad, especially Spain, use to give two kisses instead of one.

    1. You're right, Carlos. But remember you'd say: British people.

  4. Write what I told you before or 'people who live in the UK' (the meaning here changes though).
    Thanks for your comment.

  5. I was referring to the fact that if I bump into a wall, door... or somebody accidentally pushes me, I say sorry.
    But I also love tea, so you were right.

  6. I understand you María José, I do the same! It is something funny, don´t feel a little bit silly!

    1. I'm glad to hear that. I thought it was part of my British personality. LOL. Not that I mind. I think I'm more British than Spanish.


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