Wednesday, January 12, 2022

What is your morning like? Is it similar to the one on the left or the one on the right?



  1. It could be similar to the second one, excluding several things. As long as I can, and once I have breakfast, I try to do exercise, only if the time allow me. I'm a bit messy, so that the last one isn't be within my priorities.

    1. Healthy choice. My mornings tend to be different every day. Like everything I do in life.
      When you say messy, I guess you mean disorganised.

  2. Mine is something in between. First thing in the morning is to have a shower, and I always skip breakfast. Then, I get dressed, I brush my teeth and I leave home for work.

  3. Do you eat breakfast at school? I'm not a great example, but doctors say it's really important.
    I used to have a shower in the morning myself, but now I do it at night almost every day. I feel less lazy.

  4. The truth is that I never have breakfast because I always leave home soon and I don´t really have much time later so I just skip it. I have breakfast on weekends. It is said that is the most important meal of the day.

    1. I kind of understand because when I wake up I'm not hungry. I have to wait for a while. But I guess both of us should make an effort. Maybe one day...

  5. Mine nowadays is more similar to the one one on the right, but it depends on the day, my breakfast is better when I'm not in a hurry, but I usually don't run as much as years ago, when I didn't have time to have a good breakfast, which is important for me.

  6. In my case it is similar to the photo on the right. First I get up then I have a shower and get dressed, after that I have a great and huge breakfast because I don't have a break during the morning so I need to have energy.

    1. And you should see how thin she is! Lucky lady.

    2. I spend many hours without eating so breakfast is compensated

    3. Sandra, you should say: breakfast makes up for it. Cheers.

  7. That's great. What do you have for breakfast if I may ask?

    1. I normally have a bowl with milk and cereals, a piece of toast with jam or ham depends on the day, a small handful of nuts, a pice of fruit and a small piece of chocolat for breakfast, that is all! I said I need to have energy...

    2. That is all? That's not breakfast, it's brunch!😀
      A few corrections:
      - cereal
      - depending on
      - some fruit
      - chocolate

    3. Oops! Sorry, thanks for your corrections

    4. We all make mistakes. That's how we learn.


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