Monday, January 17, 2022

Laughter is the best medicine



  1. Yes, please... I vote for the Reboot solution! We all thought we could learn a lot about this Pandemic and we were going to be better people, increasing awareness and recognition to those who take care of us... but we are doing the opposite, learning nothing. You just has to listen to the news to realize that. If we don't improve with a situation like this, when?

  2. It's sad, but I'm afraid you are right.
    I vote for a reboot too.
    I think you mean: learn a lot from

  3. I totally agree, we are not better during this pandemic, a lot of people have become even worse than before... I know it´s a difficult situation and a lot of people can´t cope with it, but it is not an excuse to be selfish and not help or think about other people...

    1. I also agree. In extreme situations we always see the best and the worst of people.
      What is obvious is that this situation is affecting all of us on a psychological level.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...