Saturday, February 12, 2022


- Do you like tattoos? Why/why not?

- Where would you go to get a tattoo?

- Do you prefer black and white ones or colour ones?

- Are tattoos only for young people?

- Would you tattoo your face/neck?

- Do you have any tattoos?

- Is one tattoo enough?

- Can tattoos be removed? How?

- If you could have only one tattoo, what would you choose?

- Would you use a boyfriend/girlfriend's name?

Jokes and acronyms.

A conversation between a modern grandpa and his favourite grandson:

Grandpa: I've just signed up for Facebook.

Grandson: Seriously?

Grandpa: Yeah, but I have a question. What does WTF mean?

Grandson: Welcome to FB.

SABATON - The Unkillable Soldier

1. What historical period is the song based on?
2. Why are the men queuing?
3. Who was the unkillable soldier?

Always remember: Google can help. ;)
And this is the lyrics video.

The Irish Rover. Colm R. McGuinness.

Another gorgeous YouTuber. You'll like this if you're fond of Celtic music. And I bet you remember him because of  the Hallelujah song we listened to in class.


Riddle: who's the speaker?


In the dark

I feel nothing. No fear.

I spot something bright in the corner.

Could it be a gold goblet, or a sapphire ring?

I'm not hungry. I'm not thirsty. No more wine for me. 

I wonder why I've been feeling so sleepy, why I feel heavy.

I can't hear my heart. I can't feel my breath. Next to me, my wife lies still.

And farther away I see two or three girls. They're crying their eyes out. I want to ask why. 

But all of a sudden, I see Black, my cat. He's not meowing. He's not chasing mice. Weird...

Written by: Maria Garcia

Is English a tricky language? Or are all languages equallly difficult to learn? Read the poem and share your opinion in the comment section.


Thanks, Kevin.

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...