Thursday, January 13, 2022


This is something I never do, but I admit it's great advice. If I put it into practice, my stress levels would go down big time.

What about you?


  1. When I put myself under a lot of pressure I remember something a friend of mine told me: just take one step at a time!

    1. My mum used to say something similar, but I'm not usually able to put it into practice. I should learn to prioritise.

  2. It's interesting and right, in my opinion. In some courses I received years ago they told us how to distinguish the urgent and the important. You must focus on the important, and small and easy things don't have to distract you. In this case every step is your road to a good end. You can't do everything at the same time.

    1. So true. The problem is I never follow that advice myself. Even though I know it's not good for me.

    2. Sometimes theories are not easy to practice.

    3. Most, I would say. Even when we know it's good advice.

  3. I would have said that if you find something difficult, you must begin by the first step. Maybe time is going to help you to see it was not as difficult as you thought. Pretty wise advice. I absolutely agree. But sometimes hard to put it into practice.

  4. My mum used to tell me this because I've always been kind of hyperactive. However, I think you are right: it's easier said than done.
    Thanks for your comment.


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