Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Do you agree? What is your opinion of our educational system? Is the Anglo-Saxon system better?



  1. I really think that Spain has a problem with the invesment and the updating in this issue, but is true that we are aware and we are trying to change with a great effort although the resources are not good enough.

    1. Fran, when you say we are making a great effort to change the system, are you referring to the teachers?
      Thanks for your comment.

    2. Indeed Maria, teachers have an important roll in education and if teachers don´t spraw this opinion, it will be impossible to raise awareness in population

    3. I agree, Fran.
      Just a couple of corrections:
      - role
      - spread this reality

  2. I don't know if the Anglo-Saxon is better? As a matter of fact, I don't know it because it's too long since I haven't studied in Primary or Secundary. The teachers in this group have more knowledges than me, but I suppose there have been many technological changes from then using computers and on-line learning, for example; I wish it were enough.
    However, some information from other mates in previous courses make thinking that if the teaching-learning doesn't go to a more practical studying, like in some Scandinavian counytry, the travel is wrong. It's not investment in School, It's investment in changing the methodology to make it really useful by using it in real situations.
    Theory in the beginnings, practicability in the movement forward.

    1. I agree, JL. Education in Spain is too theoretical in my opinion, but it's true that technology helps.
      In Anglo-Saxon countries, generally speaking, education is a lot more practical. That's why I hate it when people say Americans are ignorant. They might not know about certain things we study here, but they are better at public speaking, rational thinking, essay writing...

  3. I totally agree with the meme and with you, Maria. I had the chance to attend an American school for a week when I was 16 and I was very surprised by their teaching methodology. For example, they had a daily class in which they would sit in circle and debate in public about random topics. I wish I had been taught to do that. Plus, it surprised me that they did a lot of teamwork in math class, something that here is unthinkable (at least in my experience). So I admire their educational system in many ways.
    I also complain about how little I have been trained to write essays at school. I found it specially difficult when I had to write them at Selectividad.

  4. Thanks for this wonderfully written post, Claudia.
    Just a little thing: debate random topics in public.
    And something else, I'd write Math with a capital m. And I'd also like...(conditional is better here).


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