Monday, May 20, 2024

See you around

Dear all,

I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish grading all your writings (virtual classrooms, diaries and C2.2 compositions).

For those of you who want your diary back, the Director of Studies will be able to give it to you.

If you need to return a book that you borrowed from our little classroom library, you can return it the same way or wait till September and give it to your new teacher.

I wanted you to know it's been a pleasure to meet each and everyone of you. I've learned so much from all of you. Thanks.

Good luck in the exams and, more importantly, in everything you do from now on.

Take care of yourselves,


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Class exercise. Please do not do at home.


- A man dies of old age on his 25 birthday. How is this possible?

- Everyone has it and no one can lose it; what is it?

I am light and seem to have no substance at all. But even the strongest person in the world can’t hold me for very long.

I don’t have money, though I do have banks. I feed others, though I don’t eat. Cross me if you can, I won’t be mad.

I have a stem, but I am not a flower. I have a foot, but I cannot hop. Children are too young to hold me.

I have no life, but I can die. What am I?

-Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___?

People have stepped on me, but not many. I never stay full for long. I have a dark side.

Poetry competition

Thanks so much to all of you who submitted a poem. You should be really proud of yourselves!

The decision was extremely difficult and I even had to ask for help.

In the end these are the results:

Winner: Bego Arnedo (B2.1)

2nd: Gabriela Graterol (A2)

3rd: Mar Serrano (A2)


Human libraries


Monday, May 6, 2024

A2: Reading Comprehension Exercise

Betty was soon to be married. More than anything, she wanted to wear the wedding dress her mother was married in. Betty's mother was beaming with pride as she gave her consent.

Later in the evening, the family gathered in the living room to wait while Betty tried on the dress. When Betty entered the room, there was a chorus of approval. The dress fit perfectly and looked wonderful on her.

Tears ran down the face of Betty's mother. Seeing this, Betty said, "Don't worry Mom, you're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a son."

"Forget about that!" she said with a sob. "I used to fit into that dress!"


1. Who was getting married?
2. What did she want?
3. Did her mother agree?
4. What happened in the evening?
5. Did the dress fit?
6. How did the mom react?
7. Why?

Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Post in the Virtual Classroom

Dear all,

Please check the virtual classroom for information about your continuous assessment marks.

See you tomorrow (or Tuesday),


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Terrariums. Do you have one? Would you like to? Would you buy it or plant it yourself?

What Is A Terrarium?

So first up, what is a terrarium? This might seem like a simple enough question, but the better you understand the answer, the easier caring for your terrarium is going to be. 

Like many great things, the terrarium was invented by accident. Whilst working on an experiment, a botanist left a plant in a sealed jar. A few days later he made an observation: condensation had formed on the glass, and the plant looked healthy. And so the terrarium was born. 

The invention spread like wildfire through Victorian Europe, giving people the chance to maintain all sorts of exotic plants. And in recent years, the terrarium has made a huge comeback. 

So. It’s basically a sealed glass container, filled with plants and soil. Sounds simple enough, right?

But in their simplicity lies their genius

Terrariums create a unique environment for their plants. The glass lets light and heat in, but the sealed container stops water vapour from escaping. So the water condenses and is reabsorbed by the plants, forming a self-contained ecosystem. In other words, your plants recycle their own water, maintaining themselves with little upkeep required.

Dylan Thomas

If you want to know more about the Welsh poet, please click on the link below: 

In Love With Words (

Above you can listen to one of his most famous poems.

Advice from Makes You Fluent.

Embarking on a language learning journey? Here are our top strategies to give you an edge!
1. Dive In:
  • Tip: Switch your phone's language setting for a quick immersion experience.
2. Listen Up:
  • Tune into music or podcasts in your target language to familiarize yourself with the sound and flow.

3. Taste the Culture:
  • Discover dishes from the region. Dive into the names and stories behind the flavors.

4. Travel (when you can):
  • Visiting a country where they speak your target language can significantly fast-track your learning.

Bonus: Consider keeping a Language Diary. Jotting down daily thoughts in the language can be an excellent way to practice.
Keep pushing forward, and you'll be fluent before you know it!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


What do you think happened in the picture on the left right before the boy spoke? What is happening now?

What do you think this poem is about?

she is sea,
in front of your eyes,
she is breeze,
on your breast,
on your cheeks.
and that salty taste
in your mouth.
she’s sand
in every pore
of your beaten back.
she speaks
in your ear,
she speaks words
devoid of fear,
‘the pain’s gone,
daughter dear.
cry not, fret not,
i’m still here’.

Witchcraft: Crash Course European History. C2.2 or B2.1 (I recommend subtitles for the latter)

Some of you are already familiar with this channel. I recommend these videos as a way to learn about different topics and also get used to spoken English. I think they are great practice for the Listening Comp.
This is the link to their YouTube channel:
They also have their own webpage:

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Challenge your English! Can you answer these 20 Questions? (A1-C1)

Do you know what 'small talk' is?

This is how Camille (Learn English with Camille) explains:

Small talk is a simple conversation starter between people you don’t know. We do small talk ALL the time in the USA. 

Here are some very common English small talk conversation topics in the USA.

1. Talk about the weather. 

Examples: What a beautiful day! It’s been so rainy lately. It’s a great day to go for a hike. 

2. Talk about sports. 

Examples: How about those Packers? What a great game last night! Did you see the game last night? Are you going to watch the game tomorrow? 

3. Talk about current events. 

Examples: What do you think about the upcoming elections? Have you seen the new movie that hit theaters? 

4. Ask for suggestions.

Examples: Can you recommend a good cafe nearby? Do you know if there are any Italian restaurants around? Is there a Turkish market in the area? 

5. Ask about work. (This is more for people you know or your colleagues)

Examples: How’s your latest project going? What do you have going on at work? What are you working on? Are you going to the company picnic this weekend? 


Click on the link below to listen to/ read an article about the famous fictional character:

C2.2: Who Is Lupin? The Origin Story Explained

Listen to the video and fill in the blanks in the sentences/phrases below (use between 1 and 4 words per gap):
1. If you are French, you're probably ________________ of Lupin.
2. His origins are related to another literary _____________, _____________ an English one.
3. When his creator, Sir Arthur C.D tried to ______________, he was met with _______________.
4.  He was a thief readers could ______________ because the people he ____________ were usually worse than he was.
5. There was even a _____________ in several stories.
6. Because of legal difficulties, Sherlock Holmes' name was changed ___________________ to Herlock Shomes.

A2: Learn all about the two types of rainforests

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Stephen Curry Replies to Fans on the Internet (C2.2 Listening Comprehension Revision).

I recommend you watch this at home. I don't have the transcript, but this is where your List Comp was taken from. 
I'll try to find the Lupin one when we finish doing the oral exams.
P.S. I think it has subtitles on YouTube.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Do you agree with what Sir Ken Robinson says here?

If you have the time watch the video and try to find more information on his ideas about education.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Language learning

Embarking on a language learning journey can be both exciting and daunting.

Misconceptions about the process can discourage even the most enthusiastic learners.

Today, we’re setting the record straight on some common myths, providing you with the motivation and facts you need to succeed.

Myth 1: You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Many believe that language learning is reserved for the young. Research, however, tells us a different story. Adults can learn languages effectively, often benefiting from stronger focus, better resources, and clearer motivations than younger learners.

Myth 2: You Need a ‘Language Gene’ to Succeed

The idea that only certain people are wired for language learning is a myth. Success in language learning is more about persistence, effective methods, and exposure than any innate ability. Anyone with the right mindset can become proficient.

Myth 3: Immersion is the Only Way to Truly Learn

While immersion is beneficial, it's not the only path to fluency. Digital platforms, language exchanges, and structured courses offer immersive experiences right from your home. Consistent practice and exposure, no matter the form, are key.

Myth 4: Learning a Language Takes Forever

Many people are put off by the idea that language learning is a lengthy process. While achieving fluency takes time, you can make significant progress and even hold basic conversations within a few months of dedicated study.

Myth 5: You Must Master Grammar Before Speaking

This myth can halt progress before it even begins. Language is about communication, not perfection. Speaking from day one helps build confidence and practical skills more effectively than endless grammar drills.

Why This Matters

Understanding the truth behind these myths can liberate you from doubts and misconceptions.

Language learning is a journey of growth, discovery, and connection, accessible to anyone willing to embark on it.

Source: Makes You Fluent

Saturday, April 6, 2024

A Birthday Surprise. Flash Fiction.

‘Follow me, please.’

‘Give me a moment, Sir. I’m waiting for someone.’

‘I insist. We're in the way.’

‘But I have a reservation.’

‘I can assure you we don’t do reservations.’

‘You must be mistaken. Can I speak to your supervisor?’

‘I’m sorry, but he’s otherwise engaged.’

‘No worries. As I told you, I can wait. My wife must be about to get here.’

‘I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.’

‘What do you mean? She's never stood me up in thirty years.'

‘Thirty years? That must be sooo boring. Anyway, she’ll have to get used to doing things without you from now on.’

‘What the heck are you talking about? I was told this restaurant was one of the best in the East Side, but the service… well, I don’t want to swear, but you get my drift.’

‘Do you hear that?’

‘Hear what?’

‘The siren. It’s an ambulance.’

‘This is New York. Silence is a luxury here.’

‘It’s coming for you.’


‘The ambulance.’

‘Are you pulling my leg? I’m perfectly okay, waiting for my wife to buy her a fancy birthday dinner that’ll probably cost half my salary. And trying to keep my temper because you, Mr. Waiter, refuse to  treat me with the respect I deserve.’

‘I don’t work here.’

‘Why didn’t you say so before?’

‘You didn’t ask.’

‘Who are you then?’


‘Whaaaaat? I’m only fifty-six.’

‘Don’t panic. It will be painless. Massive heart-attack. And don’t worry about your wife. She’s having an affair with your brother. I don’t think she’ll miss you that much.’

Intermediate English Conversation about MOVIES - Real Life English - B2

Spring has sprung. Some useful phrasal verbs.

Today I will teach you some common Phrasal verbs we use in the spring. 

1. Warm up - when the temperature increases.

 Examples:  Since it’s starting to warm up, should we plant our garden?

It’s starting to warm up! Let’s go for a bike ride. 

2. Thaw out - to melt or become warmer after being frozen. 

Examples: The snow is finally thawing out and the roads are clearing.  

After a long winter, the lake started to thaw out. 

3. Sprout up- To grow or emerge rapidly. 

Examples: Wildflowers are starting to sprout up everywhere. 

Spring is here and fresh grass started to sprout up. 

4. Freshen up-  to make something neat and clean again.

Examples: It’s time to do some spring cleaning and freshen up the house. 

The new pillows we bought really freshen up the living room.

5. Clean out -  to remove dirt and clutter.

Examples: Let’s clean out our garage today. 

I need to clean out the fridge because some of my produce went bad.

Source: Learn English with Camille.

The importance of punctuation


Thanks for sharing this beautiful song with us, Ana.

B2: Speak Up Article

If you click on this link, you'll be able to read and listen to a Speak Up article about addiction to technology:


Can you explain the meaning of the expression below?

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Eric Clapton - Prayer of a Child (Official Music Video)

Eric Clapton's intimate concert filmed in London in front of a small audience in December 2023. Eric’s set included "Tears In Heaven,” “Layla," "River Of Tears," "Got To Get Better In A Little While,” and a very special version of George Harrison's "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)" featuring a guest appearance from Dhani Harrison. This will also include a brand-new studio track and video entitled, "Prayer of a Child.” The proceeds will be donated in aid of the children in Gaza.
You can read the lyrics below:

Please tell me where - You last saw him
Was he still alive ?
Was he still breathing - Did he survive ?
Tell me where - I might find him
Underneath the stones
Just want to tell him - He’s not alone

Dear God - May I ask you
Let it stop - I beg of you
Dear God - Please forgive us
We know not what we do

Please take my hand - And lead me
Down the road with you
Show me - What I’m supposed to do
With all these tеars - The world is crying
Help us find the way - Lеad us to a better day

Dear God - May I please ask you
Let it stop – I beg of you
Dear God - Please forgive us
We know not what we do

Thursday, March 14, 2024

What's the meaning of this proverb?



To enter this competition (open to all levels), you have to write a free verse poem on an A4 and give it to me by April 30th.

Your poem can have up to 15 lines. It can be handwritten or typewritten and you can illustrate it if you feel like it

To learn more about free verse, click here:,A%20free%20verse%20poem%2C%20also%20known%20as%20a%20vers%20libre,specified%20length%20or%20formal%20requirements.


Hello from Washington, where politicos are digesting the news that in Georgia, a judge dropped some of the 2020 election-tampering charges against Donald Trump (but left the door open for a more clearly written re-indictment). On Tuesday, Trump and Joe Biden locked up enough delegates to secure their presidential nominations in primaries. You can now call them “presumptive nominees”, if you so desire. (More fun facts about delegates below!) 

It was also a big day in Washington, as Robert Hur – of Biden-is-elderly-and-forgetful fame – appeared on Capitol Hill to discuss his report on the president’s handling of classified documents. Here’s my deeper dive into that hearing. It was a typically partisan spectacle, and a reminder of how everything is being sucked into the 2024 presidential vortex. The race can get a little confusing, so remember you can ask me questions here and I'll do my best to offer clarity.

To continue reading, click here:

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...