Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Stephen Curry Replies to Fans on the Internet (C2.2 Listening Comprehension Revision).

I recommend you watch this at home. I don't have the transcript, but this is where your List Comp was taken from. 
I'll try to find the Lupin one when we finish doing the oral exams.
P.S. I think it has subtitles on YouTube.


  1. Well, we can not say that we were not invited to listen to Curry in advance... I have been watching the video without subtitles and I haven't understood almost anything. I think it was a hard listening exercise. Close to the difficulty of the certificate exams, though. Maria Jose

    1. I'm sorry? Or maybe it's better to listen to difficult ones... I'm never sure how to reach a happy medium.
      Why don't you listen to a few minutes with subtitles and then remove them once you're used to his accent? Just a thought.


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