Monday, April 15, 2024

Controversial music?

Beyonce has been at the centre of a controversy quite recently. Do you know why?

Let's see if we can guess together.

The videos below will help us.


  1. I listened now again at home and yeah, the new one is better because I loke the Beyonce voice more than Dolly, and nowadays the women not come behind men... like Shakira said "the women not cry, the women take the bill" (I dont know of that translation is correct)

    1. Thanks for your comment, P.
      You should say: Beyonce's voice (no article).
      BTW, I didn't know her album, but I've seen the translation into English is 'Women no longer cry'.

  2. The controversy is because, usually country music is singing by white people and Beyonce is a girl from Lousianna but she's a black woman so, she had a lot of criticism to wanting to sing this genre of music. I think that this song has some references about this topic, for example when she sayd . "I sleep good happy cause you can't dig up our planted seeds" A reference like I can sing this, because I'm from here, I grew up here...

    1. A few corrections, Gabriela:
      - is sung (passive)
      - for wanting
      - references to
      - said
      Thanks for your comment.

  3. To add more informattion what you have said Gabriela. This new version is a women's empowerment vindication. Beyonce deliberately change some lines of the Dolly Parton's original song. Instead of saying 'I'm begging you please don't take my man', which sounds like a plea, Beyonce's version change the tune and say: 'I'm warning you don't come for my man', a clear threat. Intentionaly, she is claming for women's role in relationships. The rest of the lines follow the same pattern.
    What I don't really understand, it's about the image of a mug which is probably filled with alcohol. Is there anyone who could explain it?

    1. Hi Carlos,
      Remember never to write an article before a proper noun: Dolly Parton's original song (no the)
      Beyonce's version changeS
      What I don't really understand is...
      Yeah, I also wondered about the mug. Maybe also because in the past only men were supposed to drink and smoke? I don't really know. Sorry.

  4. Beyonce has transformed Dolly Parton’s song and I like the lyric, but I don’t like the mug and alcohol as If women have to drink alcohol to say something. I read on Instagram that Dolly was not happy.

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      Why exactly isn't she happy? Did you find that information?
      I also noticed the mug. I neither liked it nor disliked it (even though I don't drink), but I found it interesting.


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