Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Blog Contribution. Thanks so much, Jesus.



One  of my favorite hobbies is astronomy. Planet Earth travels through space at different speeds,  but we don’t realise it.

The Earth rotates on itself at a speed of 1667 kms/hr at the Equator, but in Spain we rotate at 1275kms/hr and in Copenhagen they rotate at 975kms/hr. For everyone a day lasts 24 horas.

If you travel by plane from Madrid to Copenaghen today, it would take 2.5 hours and your rotation speed would decrease 300kms/hr, but you wouldn’t feel it.

The Earth rotates around the Sun at a speed of 107.000 km/hr.

The Solar System is located in an arm of the Milky Way and it is rotating continuously like a carousel. Because of this, the Solar System travels through space at the speed of 828.000kms/hour rotating around the center of the Milky Way.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Graffiti in Madrid. B21

In your diagnostic test you read about graffiti and then you shared your opinions with me in your writings.

I don't often go to the centre of Madrid nowadays, but I found this article for you.

Could you please read it at home? On Thursday 2nd we'll talk about it in class.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Who is this man? What can you tell me about him?


Listening Comprehension A2. Is it possible to be immortal?

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • immortality: the ability to live forever
  • phenomenon: a natural process, especially a strange or unusual one
  • species: a type of plant or animal
  • reproduce: to create new cells 
  • DNA: chemicals that contain instructions for life
  • reverse: to make something go backwards
  • extend: to make something longer
Click on the link below to listen to the audio:

Gapfill exercise

Biological immortality is a very rare phenomenon. Most species go through a  called senescence, which means the cells in their bodies stop reproducing over time. As these species get older, and death become much more likely. However, a few rare species do not experience senescence at all. Lobsters are one animal that does not age typically. They can  their own DNA using a chemical called telomerase. Tortoises also appear to delay senescence. A species called the “immortal jellyfish” is the only animal believed to be truly biologically immortal. These jellyfish can still , but not of old age. This is because they have the ability to reverse their aging process entirely. Scientists study these slow-aging species in case their cells can help extend human .



a) a culture clash

b) an emotional outburst

c) a fast decision


- CHECK your answer

- LISTEN to the pronunciation

- DISCOVER the % of readers who guessed correctly

- LEARN some fascinating facts about today's word

- REFRESH your memory of yesterday’s word

- ACCESS the complete word archive

English Theatre in Madrid

Like every year, I got a message from the Madrid Players advertising their pantomime. When my kids were little, we took them every year and it was great fun. In the past, only ex-pats went to see it, but now it has become very popular among students of English.

Do you know what a panto is? Can you explain in the comments?

Turrón is in the shops, Christmas decorations sit waiting in the wings and preparations for our December musical, Snow White, are well underway. 

The Madrid Players pantomime has become a highlight in the city’s cultural calendar and we cannot wait to share our work with you. 

Tickets will go on sale at 9am on Saturday 11 November via www.madridplayers.es.

Please note down the date. Last year, over one third of tickets sold on the day they were released. We don’t want anyone to miss out.

Snow White

December 15th - 17th 2023
Teatro Salesianos Estrecho
Tickets: www.madridplayers.es

When the Magic Mirror tells her that Snow White is now the fairest in the land, the Wicked Queen is hopping mad. On the Queen’s orders, Big Bad Ben and Wee Willie Winkie take Snow White into the forest. However, Snow White has some pals who mind her back, including the Seven Dwarfs of course, and a new admirer in the form of Prince Pedro, the richest and most eligible bachelor on the planet.

Will Big Ben do as the Queen has ordered? How can the dwarfs and animals come to Snow White’s rescue? And does Tia Maria finally find someone to drink cocktails with?

Grammar Quiz. A2


Click on the link and choose the correct answers.

Source: English Club

Thursday, October 19, 2023

C2.2 Writing.

We're going to practise writing in class today. Choose one of the topics below and write approximately 200 words.

1. Tell the nonfiction story that you don’t want your mother to read. You know the one. Don’t censor yourself.

2. Create a timeline of events depicting your life by using newspaper headlines. Try to focus on events that didn’t involve you directly, but connect them to the pivotal events in your life.

3. Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alone…next to a ship so massive it’s actually carrying a planet beneath it. Your character has no memory from before they wake.

4. Write a story involving a character who answers the door to nothing but an intricate envelope on the ground; an invitation. After attending the secret underground event, they become a part of the biggest activist group out there…and nobody even knows who they are.

5. Write an article about your journey to become healthy.

6. Write about how learning can impact your health.

B2.1 Writing

Today in class you'll write your second composition. You should choose one of the prompts below and write 150 words:

1. Recall an important memory from your childhood and tell it from the perspective of someone else who was present.

2. You discover that your partner is a robot.

3. Write about an apocalypse triggered by zombies. What happened?

4. You have $300 and a Prius, describe the 2,800 mile road trip from NYC to LA.

5. Describe the life of your favorite singer.

6. What are five things you would like to do before you are 50 years old?

Happy writing!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A2: Writing

Today in class we are going to do our second writing exercise.

Imagine you are one of the characters below and write about their life. Try to be creative.

You should write approximately 100 words.

- Fiona, a fairy:

- George, a garden gnome:

- Winnie, a witch:

- Susie: a snail. 

To see a sample writing go to:

Interesting Page

If you want extra practice, I recommend you bookmark this page:


It has a section about EOI exams.

Room on the Broom - Animated Read Aloud Book for Kids

This is a classic picture book. I was reminded of it when I saw my daughter had bought it for her students.
The writer is Julia Donaldson. Can you tell me what her most famous book is?

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How to Say BIG NUMBERS in English

And for those of you who already feel safe with the numbers from 1 to 100, why not review the really big ones?

A2: Learn English Numbers 1-100

Last week some of  you told me you found numbers difficult to remember sometimes. First of all: that's completely natural, but remember what they say: practice makes perfect.
So please try to find some time to watch this video. Even if this is easy for you, reviewing never hurts.
See you tomorrow!

Who betrayed Anne Frank and her family?

I read Anna Frank's diary as a teenager and I was absorbed by the story. I felt as if I was inside the annex myself.
Having somehow become acquainted with the author, I felt a terrible sense of bereavement when I reached the last page.
However, I'm grateful Otto Frank survived (even if I can imagine how terrible life was for him after he was separated from his wife and daughters forever) because thanks to him we have this intimate and moving document.
Have you read The Diary of A Young Girl as it's usually referred to? How did it make you feel?

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Can you explain this joke

Paper or Plastic Groaner

At the checkout counter, the bag boy asks, "Paper or plastic?"

Customer: "I don't care, you pick one."

Bag boy: "I can't."

Customer: "Why not?"

Bag boy: " 'Because, baggers can't be choosers!"

What do you know about this animal? Please share in the comments below.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Do you think this is good advice? Why? Why not?


Can you explain the meaning of to skip and to binge?


Watch the story and then rewrite it using your own words. Thanks!

Simple Past . Video for A2 students.

This is a tense you studied last course, but we need to revise it. Please watch this video at home during the long weekend.

Friday, October 6, 2023

A2 : Please rewrite these sentences using the simple past.

1. He loves music

2. They cannot come.

3. My mum lives in a nursing home.

4. Do you work in the evenings?

5.  She doesn't understand what you are saying.

6. I eat too quickly

7. My eldest son is a Music teacher

8. I start work at 3:30

9. She doesn't work from home.

10. Do you know what I mean?

Asking for help


1. Do you find it difficult to ask for help?

2. If so, why?

3. Would you answer Piglet's question differently?

What is a cozy mystery?

Below you have the cover of the first book by Adele Abbot in the Witch is... series. I read quite a few, but then I stopped because there are too many.

Anyway, I think it's a great collection to practise your English (even if you are in B2.1).

Here I'm sharing a summary of the story that I found of line: 

I got a call to say my birth mother, who I'd never met, was dying, and wanted to see me. I dashed to her bedside just in time to hear her dying words: You're a witch.

My name is Jill Gooder and I'm a private investigator, having taken over the family business some years ago when my adoptive father died. As soon as I was old enough, I'd tried to make contact with my birth mother, but she hadn't wanted to see me. I was crushed at the time, but I tried to forget all about her. Then, I got the call to say she was dying. Why would she wait until then to see me? And why would she use her last few breaths to hurt me with those awful words?

It made no sense, but I was too busy to dwell on it. My latest case was a murder, which might be the work of a serial killer. As I tried to get on with my life, strange things began to happen - things I just couldn't explain. I was soon to realise that my life would never be the same again.

A laugh-out-loud story of mystery and magic.

(Suitable for teens, seniors and all ages in-between)

Source: Fantastic Fiction

Would you be this brave? Do you think the situation in Iran is going to change?

Nobel Peace Prize honours Iranian activist
Narges Mohammadi smiles into the camera
Ms Mohammadi is deputy head of the Defenders of Human Rights Center. Credit: Reuters
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi. 

Previously featured on the BBC's 100 Women list, Ms Mohammadi has been imprisoned in Iran at various points since 2010, having opposed the death penalty, and has been vocal about torture and use of sexualised violence against prisoners.

She is currently being held in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, from where she documented abuses suffered by women incarcerated for taking part in the anti-government protests that swept Iran last September, following the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody. 

In awarding the prize, 
the Norwegian Nobel committee said it wished to honour her fight for “human rights, freedom and democracy” in Iran and to recognise the efforts of the demonstrators who called for a change in Iran’s stance on women’s rights at great personal risk.

Would you like to live in Canada? Why? Why not?

With Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto all ranked in the top 10 of the Global Liveability Index 2023, we speak to residents in each city to find out what makes life so sweet.

While European and Scandinavian destinations frequently find themselves atop world indexes – like the world's healthiest countries, or best countries for raising children – Canada has quietly been marching up the ranks as a country to contend with. That's been especially apparent in the latest most liveable cities index, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which named three of Canada's cities in the top 10, more than any other country represented.

The top three Canadian cities on the list included Vancouver (ranked 5th), Calgary (tied 7th with Geneva) and Toronto (ranked 9th), each with perfect healthcare and education scores. Those factors appeal to Canadians, who praise positive governmental policies that improve quality of life there.

"Our progressive politics and universal healthcare make Canada a wonderful place to live," said Vancouver resident Samantha Falk. "I cannot imagine living in a country where I have to worry about being able to afford to see a doctor or take my child to the hospital, or risk bankruptcy by having cancer."

This sense of care extends beyond politicians, leading to a feeling of community that improves liveability both at work and home. "Lending a hand at schools [to] supporting seniors to uplifting business owners, Canadians are known for their friendly and supportive nature," said Jane Stoller, Vancouver resident and founder of Organized Jane, a life-business organising service. "This sense of camaraderie fosters a positive environment where individuals can thrive and find fulfilment in both their personal and professional lives."

Canada's investment in public transportation and transit systems also makes navigating its big cities easier. Falk, who has also lived in Montreal, Calgary and Toronto, didn't get her driver's licence until she was 24, and a friend of hers is finally getting his at 53, simply because they haven't needed a car to get around.

However, what residents love most is the strong connection that the nation has to the outdoors. "All three [of the most liveable] cities – like so many cities in Canada – are located close to nature, and have also incorporated it into their city design," said Falk. "There's the ravine system and the beaches in Toronto; Mont Royal and tree-lined streets in Montreal; and Vancouver has Stanley Park, one of the world's best examples of urban nature." But even outside the big cities, the focus on nature remains a prominent feature, mirroring the importance of the wilderness to residents. "We are outdoor people!" Falk said.

Spread across the world's second-largest country (by landmass), each of the three Canadian cities has their own unique appeal. We talked to residents in each place to find out what keeps them living in and loving their respective cities.

To read the whole article go to: https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20231001-why-does-canada-have-three-of-the-worlds-most-liveable-cities

Thursday, October 5, 2023

British Food .

Honesty... again (Source: Daily OM)

Last week (more or less), I uploaded a text about honesty, but this afternoon Carlos told me it had disappeared.

I don't know what happened, maybe I deleted it accidentally. If so, I apologise.

I've been looking for the article and I've found the one below. I'm not a hundred per cent sure it's the same one, but I think so.

Listening comprehension exercise in very easy English

The Roswell UFO

Monday, October 2, 2023

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...