Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Who betrayed Anne Frank and her family?

I read Anna Frank's diary as a teenager and I was absorbed by the story. I felt as if I was inside the annex myself.
Having somehow become acquainted with the author, I felt a terrible sense of bereavement when I reached the last page.
However, I'm grateful Otto Frank survived (even if I can imagine how terrible life was for him after he was separated from his wife and daughters forever) because thanks to him we have this intimate and moving document.
Have you read The Diary of A Young Girl as it's usually referred to? How did it make you feel?


  1. Hi Mj, I read that book when I was a teenager too and I was in secondary school. It was a part of the homework for Christmas Holidays. I don't remember if I liked it... because I didn't like read in that age. I only recall a part of the book who Anne describing the situation when they hide in the "house back" and the shelves that hid the door form Germans people. Not is a good memory, it's sad.

  2. I was struck by the first part of her book, the moment when she says how Hittler is becoming more popular, how hatred is growing, I hope the world does not forget what happened and we do not forget people like Anne Frank.

    1. You and me both, Blanca. Sometimes it's difficult to understand this world. Thanks for your interesting comment.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...