Wednesday, October 25, 2023

English Theatre in Madrid

Like every year, I got a message from the Madrid Players advertising their pantomime. When my kids were little, we took them every year and it was great fun. In the past, only ex-pats went to see it, but now it has become very popular among students of English.

Do you know what a panto is? Can you explain in the comments?

TurrĂ³n is in the shops, Christmas decorations sit waiting in the wings and preparations for our December musical, Snow White, are well underway. 

The Madrid Players pantomime has become a highlight in the city’s cultural calendar and we cannot wait to share our work with you. 

Tickets will go on sale at 9am on Saturday 11 November via

Please note down the date. Last year, over one third of tickets sold on the day they were released. We don’t want anyone to miss out.

Snow White

December 15th - 17th 2023
Teatro Salesianos Estrecho

When the Magic Mirror tells her that Snow White is now the fairest in the land, the Wicked Queen is hopping mad. On the Queen’s orders, Big Bad Ben and Wee Willie Winkie take Snow White into the forest. However, Snow White has some pals who mind her back, including the Seven Dwarfs of course, and a new admirer in the form of Prince Pedro, the richest and most eligible bachelor on the planet.

Will Big Ben do as the Queen has ordered? How can the dwarfs and animals come to Snow White’s rescue? And does Tia Maria finally find someone to drink cocktails with?


  1. I've read someting about the term 'pantomine'. It's a theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, which involves, music, topical jokes and slapstick comedy and it's based on a fairy tale or nursery story, usually produced around Christmas. But also it could be a performance in which performers express meaning through gestures accompanied by music. Therefore, as it's very popular among English students, it could be something related with the first definition, couldn't it?

    1. Yes, I was referring to the first one. I used to go every year when my kids were little. In the past, it was mostly ex-pats that made up the audience, but now it has become very popular with students of English.
      It's also a lot of fun for adults who understand it differently because there are lots of jokes about politics...
      Another characteristic of pantos is that one of the main characters (usually a middle-aged woman) is played by a man.
      Thanks for your comment.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...