Friday, October 6, 2023

What is a cozy mystery?

Below you have the cover of the first book by Adele Abbot in the Witch is... series. I read quite a few, but then I stopped because there are too many.

Anyway, I think it's a great collection to practise your English (even if you are in B2.1).

Here I'm sharing a summary of the story that I found of line: 

I got a call to say my birth mother, who I'd never met, was dying, and wanted to see me. I dashed to her bedside just in time to hear her dying words: You're a witch.

My name is Jill Gooder and I'm a private investigator, having taken over the family business some years ago when my adoptive father died. As soon as I was old enough, I'd tried to make contact with my birth mother, but she hadn't wanted to see me. I was crushed at the time, but I tried to forget all about her. Then, I got the call to say she was dying. Why would she wait until then to see me? And why would she use her last few breaths to hurt me with those awful words?

It made no sense, but I was too busy to dwell on it. My latest case was a murder, which might be the work of a serial killer. As I tried to get on with my life, strange things began to happen - things I just couldn't explain. I was soon to realise that my life would never be the same again.

A laugh-out-loud story of mystery and magic.

(Suitable for teens, seniors and all ages in-between)

Source: Fantastic Fiction


  1. This piece of book has hooked me, I will look for a copy of the book.

    1. Hello Begoña,
      I hope you have found the book. Even if you have to buy it, it´s very cheap (or at least it was when I read it).
      Just one thing, you haven't told me what a cozy mystery is.
      Thanks for using the blog.


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