Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Listening Comprehension A2. Is it possible to be immortal?

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • immortality: the ability to live forever
  • phenomenon: a natural process, especially a strange or unusual one
  • species: a type of plant or animal
  • reproduce: to create new cells 
  • DNA: chemicals that contain instructions for life
  • reverse: to make something go backwards
  • extend: to make something longer
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Gapfill exercise

Biological immortality is a very rare phenomenon. Most species go through a  called senescence, which means the cells in their bodies stop reproducing over time. As these species get older, and death become much more likely. However, a few rare species do not experience senescence at all. Lobsters are one animal that does not age typically. They can  their own DNA using a chemical called telomerase. Tortoises also appear to delay senescence. A species called the “immortal jellyfish” is the only animal believed to be truly biologically immortal. These jellyfish can still , but not of old age. This is because they have the ability to reverse their aging process entirely. Scientists study these slow-aging species in case their cells can help extend human .

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