Saturday, February 12, 2022

Jokes and acronyms.

A conversation between a modern grandpa and his favourite grandson:

Grandpa: I've just signed up for Facebook.

Grandson: Seriously?

Grandpa: Yeah, but I have a question. What does WTF mean?

Grandson: Welcome to FB.


  1. Very funny!!����

    1. I copied it from someone else (the first one, I mean). I think it's hilarious.

  2. I think this joke can be very inspiring for elderly people, inviting them to join the FB community...In fact , I have a real case in my family, where a 81 years old grandmother (widow) has been found by her very first lover (also widow) when they were aged 17 years old thanks to being at FB, ... and now they are together living a love story that was stopped 65 years ago...That is incredible but it's true!. The advantages of the social networks are for everybody!

  3. Sounds like a film! I love the story.
    A couple of things:
    also a widower
    on FB
    My uncle, who is 94, is also on FB. He's still happily married though.


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