Saturday, February 12, 2022

SABATON - The Unkillable Soldier

1. What historical period is the song based on?
2. Why are the men queuing?
3. Who was the unkillable soldier?

Always remember: Google can help. ;)
And this is the lyrics video.


  1. The period is the moment when England went to the Great War in Europe, the First World War.
    The people are queing to enrol in the Army.

    1. The unkillable soldier could be any of those soldiers who, filled of bravery or patriotism when the enroling, thought that nothing bad was going to happen to him.
      History taught they were wrong because the long term consequences were terrible.

    2. Yes, they are going to be drafted.
      Your second answer is very good, but according to them, this unkillable soldier is a concrete person:
      Sometimes, the difference between bravery and insanity is indistinguishable: Over the course of four wars in six decades, Adrian Carton De Wiart proved himself to be the most unkillable soldier of all time. The Belgian-born British army officer survived several plane crashes, lost an eye and a hand, sustained eleven grievous injuries: He fully dedicated his life to military services. Whenever there was a war, Adrian Carton De Wiart was there. "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war", he said, peacefully passing away at the age of 83 in 1963.


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