Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What can you tell me about the Super Bowl? Whatever you say, I'll believe you. You are aware of the fact that I know nothing about sports.



  1. Super Bowl is an event to show football, but American football. In Europe, people call football to that sport which americans know as soccer.
    Is the greatest event in USA.
    Advertisers pay a lot of money for appearing during pauses.

    1. Thanks for your answer, Fran.
      Just a couple of things:
      - you don't need the prep to after call.
      - Americans (capital A).

  2. I have been trying to find the most minimal reason to stay watching this game for long. As a sport, Football could be a good sport to practice, I guess, but as a show, it seems to me boring, without any dynamism, without any attractiveness.
    It is comparable to the other most watched in the States, Baseball, although these two sports be followed by millions there.

    1. I don't have an opinion here because I find all sports boring. But you know what they say, Jose Luis: one man's meat is another man's poison.
      I've never been able to watch the Super Bowl either. Just the Star Spangled Banner which I love.

  3. This reminds me a film I saw sometime ago and it impressed me so much!. It is a film directed by Peter Landesmand and starring with Will Smith, titled "Concussion", translated "La verdad duele o La verdad oculta" in spanish. The film is about a Nigerian doctor, a neuropathologist who discovered a severe brain disease believed to be produced by repeated concussions in professional football players. I think it is a very good film, but quite chilling.

    1. Quite interesting Cristina

    2. I agree with Marian, Cristina. It sounds very interesting, but I have never heard of it before. I'm going to look for the trailer and post it here.


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