Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Black History Month

1. Do you like this poem?
2. What is it about?
3. What can you tell me about the poet?



  1. The only thing that I can say is: Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, be brave and bold, fight for your dreams and never give up, do not let anyone else put you off and be strong enough.

    1. Yes, I think what you say is true, but there's more to it in my opinion. Look at the title and try to find some info about Langston Hughes.
      And thanks again for using the blog.

  2. I think that this poem is heartbreaking and cutting. It's about the chronic suffering produced when a dream hasn´t become real in a person or in a community (the black community in this case, I guess).
    Langston Hughes was an Afro-American poet, novelist, columnist in a leading black newspaper (The Chicago Defender) and he also was a social activist. He was a leader of the Harlem Renaissance.

    1. Exactly. Well done. I love this poem. It's really short, but it packs so much emotion...

  3. I like the poem, and reading what Cristina says, I imagine it talks about fighting to get what you really want

    1. Yes, and as she said he's speaking of equality for the black community.
      I'll never understand our world: no matter how hard I try I can see no difference between black and white people. We all have the same emotions, problems, desires, dreams...


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...