Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Official Trailer

I'm watching a film based on a real story. It's a few years old, but, in my opinion, worth watching. Will Smith is great as usual, or at least I think so.
Just one question; Is there anything strange about the title?


  1. For me it's an excellent and a film that everybody should watch, and the most surprising thing is that it's inspired in a true story.. this is incredible. what happens to this man is inspiring and encouraging. Despite everything, he finally gets a difficult job. With effort, tenacity, persistance, without cracking during de hard process. And as always, the Will Smith performance is incredible and amazing.
    I think the title should be written this way: The pursuit of happiness

  2. And why is it written with y? Do you remember? I don't know how long ago you saw the film.
    Are you Cristina H. or Cristina L. I need to know for my marks.

  3. Hi Maria, I am Cristina L and I don't know why it is written with 'y', sorry.

    1. Thanks. So you are not anonymous anymore. Great!

  4. I've found this answer:
    The word "happiness" in the title is deliberately misspelled, just as it was on the wall of a day care center where Gardner once sought care for his young son, Chris Jr., during some of his worst days." Chris (Will Smith) even points out the misspelling to the Chinese care-giver that the mural decorating his son's daycare is spelled incorrectly. Chris wanted to make sure that his son was taught things the correct way, so that he could grow up to be an educated man and make something great of himself. Chris "took offense" to the fact that the world happiness was spelled wrong on the wall and became irritated by it. But the word comes to signify Chris' own pursuit of happiness.

    Could it be the correct answer?

    1. It is the perfect answer. I agree with you: I think the happYness story symbolizes his character and his perseverance.


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