Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Can you summarize the content of the video below? Let's say five lines tops.


  1. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced a traumatic event such as a rape, car accident, or natural disaster. They have disturbing thoughts and feelings that last after the traumatic episode has ended.
    Patients may avoid situations that remind them of the event, and they may have a negative reaction to something ordinary. For instance, as the video explains, the smell of a campfire could evoke the memory of being trapped in a burning house. The treatment currently includes medical care, psychotherapy and therapies such as mindfulness and regular exercise.
    (Maria, I can't make it more concise, otherwise I won't tell you anything ha ha ha)

  2. No worries. It's a great explanation. And the English is very good.
    Just remember to write post traumatic as two words. English spellcheck can be a useful tool.
    Incidentally, you haven't mentioned the first group of patients that comes to my very American mind whenever I hear the word PTSD: soldiers. It's one of the many reasons why some of them end up being homeless or worse.

  3. María Arroyo Crespo2:39 PM, February 26, 2022

    PTSD is a condition that we can suffer because of some traumas in our childhood. There are plenty of different reasons why we suffer this, the reactions of our body can be like freezing, having a panic attack or running away from certain actions that remind us of that moment. Recovering it can take a lot of time off or a short time depending on our DNA and if one of our relatives has some mental disease.

    The first step is to go to therapy and explain what we feel about this situation and the most helpful thing is to have emotional support from our family or friends .


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...