Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Another sexist joke? Is there a grain of truth in it? Please share your opinions below.

 30K Words

He: "This article says women use about 30,000 words a day, whereas men only use 15,000 words."

She: "That's probably because a woman has to say everything twice."

He: "What?"



  1. I think that the man's statement is true and the woman's is a falseness instead, because women usually need to talk much more than men use to do. My husband read a book that said that it's scientifically proved that men use a number of words every day and this number is much bigger in women. In my case is totally true!

    1. I know I speak a lot in class, but at home I'm probably the quietest person in the family together with my youngest son. My husband speaks A LOT, but not usually about feelings.

  2. I agree with Cristina, in most cases women speak more than men, but not always, I've also met men who speak a lot.

    About the second sentence I completely diasgree

  3. I don't have a problem with women telling sexist jokes because men do the same thing. One woman I worked with asked me 'why is a man at his best when he is having sex?' Her reply was 'because he is plugged into a genius!' Too many people are sensitive these days.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Your workmate's answer is funny. Nowadays we are obsessed with political correctness, but at the same time we forget to be sensitive when it really matters. Of course I'm generalizing and this is my only my opinion.


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