Monday, January 29, 2024

Reading Comprehension Exercise. A2.

Jack was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his

One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbours 
near his mother's house. They had a pretty daughter, and Jack soon loved her

very much.
He said to her, ‘My next voyage will begin in a few days’ time, Gloria. I love 
you, and I’ll marry you when I come back. I’ll think about you all the time, and I’ll write to you and send you a present from every port.’

Jack’s first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke five languages.

When Jack’s ship reached Australia, there was a letter from Gloria. It said,

‘Thank you for the parrot, Jack. It tasted much better than a chicken.’

Source: Elementary Short Stories For Reproduction.


1. What was Jack's job?
2. Where did he live?
3. How did he feel about Gloria?
4. What did Jack promise Gloria?
5. What could the parrot do?
5. What did Gloria do with the parrot?

Note. Sorry about the weird formatting. For some reason I cannot change it.


  1. Poor parrot, think how much time spent to learn so many languages.


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