Thursday, January 25, 2024

Fool Me Once Official Trailer

We are going to watch part of the first episode of this TV series based on a book by American author Harlan Coben. The show takes place in England, but I'm not sure about the book because I haven't read it.
Now please answer the questions below: 
1. What is happening in the first scene? What word is used to describe that kind of situation?
2. What word do you use to describe the second scene? Tell me every detail you can remember.
3. 'Military?' No, I'm in .............................'
4. What does Joe consider ridiculous?
5. He offers to buy her a drink, but she thinks that's funny. Why?
6. 'You can have whatever you want. ........................'
7. What is the meaning of ominous?
8. 'Who is the man with the beard? Who invited him?
9. What does Maya tell the detective before she goes out?
10. Why was the detective invited?


  1. The video is a trailer and I imagine you were asking about the first chapter, I searched for it to answer the questions.
    1.- A group of students develop a strange RITUAL.
    2.- They are in a funeral and the widow clutches her daughter. There are more family and friends.
    3.- I´m in a fancy dress.
    4.- He considers the charity party is ridiculous.
    5.- Because the drinks are free.
    6.- My treat
    7.- Sinister, threatening
    8.- Joe´s mum invited him
    9.- she said that his shoelace of his shoe is undone.
    10.- He have to talk with Joe´s mother about the attack.

    1. Hi Bego,
      That ritual is called hazing.
      In 9. 'his shoelace' is enough
      10. He has to talk to Maya to ask her some more questions.
      This is very good.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...