Sunday, December 17, 2023

Your Reality. Award-winning short film on Gaslighting

Can you watch this short film and share your opinion with us? Do you think this happens in real life?


  1. Absolutely real. A typical gender-based violence case where step by step, the woman's will is undermined by the abuser, either, underesrtimating woman's worthiness or being even more and more unhealty jealous, something that sometimes end badly. Fortunately, the crime is finally discovered, but this may not always be the case.

    1. Thanks, Carlos. Very well-written, interesting comment.This is very sad, but as you say often true.
      See some corrections below:
      Absolutely real. A typical gender-based violence case where step by step, the woman's will is undermined by the abuser, either,BY underestimating THE woman's worthiness or being even more and more unhealTHILY jealous, something that sometimes endS badly. Fortunately, the crime is finally discovered, but this may not always be the case.

  2. Certainly. There are relationships that are toxic from the beginning. Many see a relationship as a way forward, what is right, what is normal in society. A relationship is much more than love and affection. Respect, trust, etc. In a good relationship, both have to be on the same level. None above the other.

    1. Very well explained, Angel. I agree with you. I often wonder why these things still happen in the 21st century.

  3. Eba .I agree with everything writteen by my partner. This is the daily Life in very couples.,unfortunality

    1. Unfortunately. You have used the perfect word, Eba.
      It's difficult to believe that these things still happen in the 21st century.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...