Sunday, December 17, 2023


 A friend of mine shared this with me and I find it both interesting and intriguing. What do you think it means?


  1. Well, I didn't understand it, I'll ask you in class.

    1. When it comes to poetry, I think very often each reader can come to their own conclusions, unless it is a very easy poem.
      I understand this as the fact that very often we don't show our true self to the world, we wear a mask, we pretend to be different.
      Anyway, you can ask me in class whenever you want. I'll do my best to explain. :)

  2. Eba. The truth is that I don't know what yo say ,this is a very Deep texto.

    1. Many poems are.
      Maybe it means that because we hide our true personalities sometimes we miss the chance to get to know a partner or a friend?

  3. I like the poem but it’s difficult translate to Spanish and keep the meaning and the literary style. But I’ve tried.
    I think they had something in common and they don’t show it to each other. And they spend their lives looking for this and they didn’t find it.
    The moral may be “if we use a mask in our lives, we couldn’t find what we are looking for in other people. And it’s possible that it was nearly of us”

    1. Excellent post ,Pedro. Thanks so much.
      As you say, translating poetry is really tough, but if it helped you understand better, it was a good idea.
      I think you have understood the meaning very well.
      Just a couple of little corrections:
      - didn't show
      - their whole lives
      - near us (nearly means casi)
      Keep up the good work. Practise makes perfect.


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