Monday, November 13, 2023

A2. Parts of speech.

Source: English Club : Click on the link below to see the exercise.

What is a Part of Speech? Quiz | Grammar | EnglishClub

What is a Part of Speech? Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It covers the What is a Part of Speech? page in our Grammar section, focusing on nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

1. "My sister speaks good English." Which word is a verb?


2. Verbs are one type of word, and ________ are another type of word.


3. How many different types of word, or "parts of speech", does English have?


4. Different parts of speech have different jobs. What do verbs like "run" and "learn" do?

 express things
 express actions
 tell us more about a noun

5. "Let's watch a funny movie." Which word is a noun?


6. "Do you like your new teacher?" Which word is an adjective?


7. Adjectives are words like "hot" and "loud" that tell us more about

 a noun
 a verb
 an adverb

8. Another part of speech is the adverb. These are words like "quickly" and "quietly" that tell us more about

 a noun
 a verb
 an adjective

9. "I always study hard before a test." In this sentence, which word is an adverb?


10. "The test wasn't difficult, so I passed easily." The word "difficult" is

 a verb
 an adverb
 an adjective

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