Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Let's hope for the best.

I usually avoid the news, both in my private life and here (maybe not a wise decision), but sometimes events are bigger than any of us could have ever dreamed of (a nightmarish kind of dream) and cannot be ignored.

However, it is still possible to hope for the best. At least I choose to believe so.



  1. Although, I admit this song sounds a little dull and such a kind of childish,

    "IMAGINE there's no countries. Nothing to kill or die for. Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will be as one".

    1. Not childish at all. And in the end another song by Lennon has been chosen to be listened to all over Europe, today?
      Thanks for writing on the blog.

    2. I've just heard it in the news today, the song against the war. But I do like imagine too much, the song José Luis has chosen.

    3. I do love Imagine too. Pity the title is exactly that: imagine. I wish it could be true.

  2. Jose Luis, it could be possible once nations have fought and finished with the world as we currenty know. Human beings have by their own nature, fighting spirit and there is no possible solution to that, so I hope that your dream comes true and the new generations, if there is someone, reconsider not to kill or dying for something.

    1. Ouch, Carlos! You're right about human nature (unfortunately). There are even fights within families. But this is a whole new level of crazy. Or maybe not so new. Sometimes to protect ourselves we choose to forget what's going on in other continents, other places. And to forget history. That's we keep on making the same mistakes.
      I do hope with all my heart, JL is right.

  3. I agree with all of you, but you see, most days later and it continuous.
    I feel really bad, I have an Ucranian son there, he is Sahsa, he lives close to Chernobyl,he has spent with us all the summers during 10 years. I don´t know a word about him from most than a week. All of us keep hope this nightmare finish soon.

    1. Thanks for sharing this with us. I do hope you hear from Sasha soon and that this craziness stops as soon as possible.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...