Monday, February 14, 2022

What's your opinion of street art? And of the example below?



  1. I like a lot the example you gave us of street art!, I find this little mouse so tiny and cute looking out of "his home's window"..!!, Indeed, sometimes I can see really great pieces of art in the streets, and I become astonished when I see them unexpectedly!!, on the other hand, I feel angry when I see some graffiti that the only thing that does is getting the street dirty, using the fact that it's art what they are doing as an excuse, in some cases. For example, I hate when 'artists' don't respect someone's properties, for example, a pharmacy, and they paint the pharmacy door.

    1. I totally agree with Cristina. I was going to tell something similar. In my neighborhood there are examples of nice Street art, but unfortunately a lot of graffiti that are made just to dirty the walls and The fences that close the shops...
      I also like the mouse in the brick

    2. To say something similar, Marian.

    3. Cristina: I like the example a lot.

  2. I think that it is a good way to express certain realities or expressions that in museum we don´t find.
    A clear example could be Banksy, who is phisically unknown and is a great author of this kind of movement, or for example, Okuda in Spain.
    With this kind of expression, common people feel nearer the art and a lot of times, these paintings or graffitis could even show how people feel.

    1. Fran, two things:
      - we don't find in a museum
      - graffiti is plural. You don't need the s.

  3. Same opinion as my classmates! There are some street art's works absolutely brilliants. Also, there is no doubt that the controversy is about if it is art or vandalism, because despite of the well-known street art painter's artistic skills,it continues being relatively new and thus without any specific legislation, hence the difficulty to consider it as an artwork. What is for sure is that 'tags' or signatures which certain people paint in walls or wherever, aren't street art. Competent authorities should impose harsher sanctions against them.

  4. I agree with you one hundred percent. Anyway, I love the cute or beautiful ones like the little mouse above.


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