Thursday, February 24, 2022

The blog

Dear all,

I know some of you write on the blog regularly, some others from time to time and some of you just look at it for various reasons (technical problems, you don't have time, you think you won't do it well enough...) However,  whether you use or don't use the blog, I respect it, of course.

As most of you have never had me as a teacher before, I want to explain a few things.

Well, basically this:

My answers are not always the same:

- sometimes I correct all your mistakes

- sometimes only the most important

- other times I simply interact with you 

- and finally, there are times when I answer several students at the same time.

The reasons for this are twofold, as I told Cristina yesterday. Methodologically speaking, I am of the opinion that correcting students constantly is not the best way to teach a language because it might reduce fluency and diminish self-confidence in some people. And the second part is more prosaic: I'm being selfish. I have no time. I need 72-hour days, at least.

Thanks for your understanding. I will keep on doing my best to offer you varied materials that will hopefully be useful for you.

Enjoy the long weekend,



  1. Thank you for your explanations, María José and also for the blog!, it's very entertaining and we learn at the same time, as well as we can share our different opinions. Cristina L

    1. Happy to hear that, Cristina. If it is useful, then I'm happy as a result.
      One correction:
      besides we can share...
      or you can use 'as well' at the end, right after opinions.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...