Thursday, February 24, 2022

Listening Comprehension Exercise. C2.1

Please answer the questions below in the comment section. I'll post the correct answers in a few days.


1. Why do astronauts find it difficult to communicate without words?

2. According to Hank, what could happen to you if you used the 'come here' gesture in the Philippines ?

3. What have scientific studies proved about life expectancy?

4. What do most psychologists think about facial expressions?

5. What does Hank say about Botox?

6. How many human emotions are there according to Izard? Can you name some of them?

7. What superlative of angry does Hank use?

8. What three stressors does he mention?

9. Is stress always bad?

10. What happened to the 40 accountants in the study?


It goes without saying, but please watch it without subtitles.


If you like this kind of video (there are lots on many different topics) go to: 

It's totally free.


And one final question: do you know what famous person Hank is related to?



  1. 1. Why do astronauts find it difficult to communicate without words?
    Because due to gravity and redistribution of body fluids, their faces are swollen and hard to read.

    2. According to Hank, what could happen to you if you used the 'come here' gesture in the Philippines?
    In the Philippines it is considered a totally disrespectful gesture. So much so that you can be arrested.

    3. What have scientific studies proved about life expectancy?
    Different studies show that people who have a positive attitude towards life tend to live longer and fuller lives.

    4. What do most psychologists think about facial expressions?
    They believe that there are facial expressions that are universal, whatever the nationality you are (he says: happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, fear and surprise).

    5. What does Hank say about Botox?
    He claims that there is a study that affirms that Botox injections in the forehead can lessen depression. Apparently, it is difficult to feel down because the muscles are paralyzed. (I am just answering what the video says, it would be interesting to see the validity of the study).

    6. How many human emotions are there according to Izard? Can you name some of them?
    He identified ten basic human emotions. Joy, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, shame, fear guilt and interest or excitement.

    7. What superlative of angry does Hank use?
    I think he says "enraged".

    8. What three stressors does he mention?
    Catastrophes, significant life changes and everyday inconveniences.

    9. Is stress always bad?
    No, it isn’t. It is a mechanism by which we perceive and respond to the different disturbing events of the daily life. It can make you active and alert when you need to be.

    10. What happened to the 40 accountants in the study?
    Cholesterol, blood clotting speed (I think he uses this medical term, or something related to "clot"), and the risk of heart attacks, increased during the weeks before Tax Day because they stressed out about finishing their work.

    11. Do you know what famous person Hank is related to? Yes, I do! His brother is the author of "The Fault in Our Star". I know them because they have several science channels on YouTube. In fact, when I was a college student, I watched their YouTube videos (on CrashCourse there is an anatomy and physiology playlist) to learn English vocabulary related to health topics.

    Great video! :)

    1. I think I won't be able to follow this guy's speech.
      Maybe if I listen to this speech 5 or 10 times or with some help, advise or something.
      Congrats, guys if you have succeded.

    2. Jose Luis, maybe you can listen with subtitles. And Fatima had an even better idea: you can slow it down. It's true that the Green brothers speak super fast.

  2. In only ten minutes, I have experienced a few of the feelings he said: stress, sadness, anger, depression...
    But, don't worry, it`s only me. Your experience will be better.

    1. So please, don't. I'll feel guilty otherwise. Just concentrate on the fact that most students of English think List Comprehension is the most difficult task.

    2. My dear Fatima,
      Thanks for doing all my work for me. Your answers are a lot more complete than the ones I saved. In my defense, I only listened once and wrote the questions at the same time (stopping the video to write, of course).
      Just a few corrections:
      whatever nationality you are/ wherever you come from
      they were stressed out
      Our Stars.
      Wonderful English. Thanks.
      And the Botox thing sounds like a joke, but who knows...

  3. Thank you very much, Maria! I have taken note of the corrections!

    Out of curiosity, I searched for a review of the studies that have been performed to establish the relationship between Botox treatment and depression. The following link is a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. In case you want to take a look, you can find it here:

    I would like to point out the following paragraph: “The findings of this systematic review and meta-analysis confirmed that the glabellar injections of BTX-A were associated with a statistically significant improvement in depressive symptoms. BTX-A injections are generally safe, which may provide a new option for the treatment of MDD. However, further clinical trials are still needed to investigate the antidepressant effect of BTX-A and to explore the underlying mechanisms.”

    There is still a lot of investigation to be done. See you later!

    1. As usual, but if it does work, it would be great. One more option. Thanks for the paragraph and for the link. Very interesting.


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