Friday, February 25, 2022


1. There's more information about verbs followed by infinitive with to, without to or gerund in the virtual classroom. You can find it both in the News section and in the Grammar section. Thanks again, Daphne. 

2. Below you can read the instructions for the next composition. I'll also upload them to the virtual classroom.


Dear all,

Our next written exercise is going to be a review of one of the books you have read or are reading this course. All the same, we'll have a book club to talk about the second one on the first day after the  Easter holidays.

In case you don't remember, these are the novels I'm talking about:
Other Words For Home
The Thursday Murder Club


The One Plus One
Every Note Played

As usual your composition should have 200 words (10 per cent leeway).
And I know I'm repetitive, but if you all do this, you'll save me loads of time:
Send me a Word or Pages document. Not a PDF or handwritten text. Please. Pretty please.
The name of your document should be only your name and first surname. Nothing else. It's easier to organise them in alphabetical order like that.
And don't forget to send the exercise to my educamadrid email address. Let's forget about the Google one for the time being.

You can send it to me from March 1st to March 14th both inclusive.

Thanks so much,


1 comment:

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...