Sunday, February 27, 2022

Talk in English in Madrid. Letter from Susan, who used to work in the EOI.

Dear All,
 I´m delighted to tell you about our next talk on Tuesday 1st March - in one week´s time.
Our speaker will be Elizabeth Wise, an excellent speaker who once gave us an informal and amusing talk on Mallorca where she spent much of her childhood and youth.
Elizabeth is one of The Daughters of the American Revolution, which may sound pretty daunting but she will explain how the group was founded, who they are and what they do in the present.
She will be talking about the 13 Colonies and the Revolutionary War against the British which led to independence and what we now know as the United States of America. She will be mentioning too a little-known aspect of that struggle.  which was the support of the Spanish!
It will be an entertaining and instructive half hour and will, no doubt, invite a lot of questions.
Please join us at 10.30 for coffee and the talk at 11 o'clock. Everyone is welcome.

St. George's Church, Núñez de Balboa, 43. Metro Velázquez


  1. During that era the British had signed a peace treaty with the native Americans which they wanted to honour. The Americans were angry with this because they wanted the native Americans' land for themselves. The alliance the Americans had with the superpowers of France, Spain and Holland played a significant part in the British defeat.

    1. Is there anything you don't know about history, Kevin?

  2. I wish I could go, but I'm working. Thanks for the tip, though!

    1. I couldn't go either. In the morning I'm super busy.Well, you understand...

  3. I wish I could have gone but I was working. I think it is a very interesting topic.

    1. Yes, it sounded really interesting. Maybe when we retire... Though you still have many working years ahead of you.


See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...