Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Read Aloud

1. Can you tell me who Dr Seuss was?
2. Where was he from?
3. When was he born?
4. How old was he when he died?
5. Was he married?

Monday, February 26, 2024

Class exercise. Let's write a nonet.

A nonet is a nine-line poem. In the nonet form, each line contains specific, descending syllable counts. The first line contains nine syllables, the second line contains eight, and the third line contains seven, and so on.

This is mine:

 they stole his memories and broke him,

his heart is heavy, his back bent.

thoughts twisted. a hurricane.

boyish smile, dimples … gone,

just a manic stare

and unkempt hair.

who’s to blame?

white coats?


What do you think it is about?

Now in groups you are going to write one yourselves. If you have problems counting syllables, you can use this page:

Can Alexei Navalny’s Widow, Yulia Navalnaya, Challenge Putin?

What do you think?

Alexey Navalny: The 2020 60 Minutes Interview

An old interview.

Lessons from My Father, Alexey Navalny

Unfortunately, her worst fears have come true.



Conversation practice: which would you keep and why?


Return To Sender & Phrasal Verb

What is the meaning of the highlighted phrasal verb?:

Elvis Presley used to whip crowds of teenagers into a frenzy by moving his hips to the beat of the music.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Laughter is the best medicine.

Talking Frog

An old man was rowing a boat on a lake when a frog swam up to him and yelled, "Mister! Mister! I'm really a beautiful princess. Kiss me and we'll live happily ever after!"

The man put the frog in his pocket and rowed to shore. The frog called out again, "Hey mister! I'm really a gorgeous princess. Kiss me and we'll live happily ever after!"

Still the man said nothing and walked down the road toward town. The frog was getting angry at being ignored. "Why don't you kiss me? I told you I'm really a beautiful princess."

"Listen lady." the man replied. "I'm 90 years old. At my age I'd rather have a talking frog."


I  think the link below is very useful:


They also have an app (also called EOI por libre) and if I'm not mistaken the basic version is free. I cannot tell you for sure, because I still haven't tried it out.

You can practise all the skills with the help of this app and there are sample answers created by teachers.

Let me know if you find it useful.

And there are also lots of videos on YouTube which offer tips to understand and do the exam better.

Below you have an example:

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

C2.2 Key for Reading Comprehension Exercise (30th January)

If you click on the link below, you'll be able to self-correct the reading comprehension test you did at home some time ago.

It's called The Do-gooders

Blog contribution. Esther. C2.2.

Thanks for sharing this text with us, Esther.

Holidays out of your comfort zone

Are you tired of going to your hometown on your summer holidays? If you are planning a holiday that pushes you out of your comfort zone, here are some ideas. 

Have you thought about a survival expedition or maybe a solo trip

Joining a survival expedition can teach you essential survival skills that can be very useful if, for example, you get lost in the jungle.

How about a solo trip? Imagine that you embark on a solo trip to a destination youve never been to. This can be a great opportunity to discover yourself and build self-confidence.

These two possibilities sound really promising and can contribute to experience a unique holiday. Not only are they exotic alternatives, but also some new skills can be learnt.

Based on my personal experience, I’d say that experimenting with different types of holidays can be fun, but maybe only to some extent.

I tried the solo trip once and, as everything in life, there were pros and cons. I had a sense of independence, but at the same time, I had a feeling of loneliness.

To sum up, I recommend you plan your holiday according to your interests and your comfort level. Its essential to ensure your safety and well-being throughout your trip. Keep in mind that you can always go back to your hometown at any time!!!.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lodi

1. Do you like this song?
2. Is this the first time you listen to it?
3. What is it about?

B2.1. Listening Comprehension exercise. What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow?

Note. Please don't do this at home. We'll do it together in class.

- If we all stopped eating meat, greenhouse gas emissions would drop by..................................

- What would we need to do if we stopped eating protein-rich foods?

- Why is it difficult to grow vegetables in Mongolia?

- What synonym is used for fishermen in the video?

- New vegetarian diets would require less .................................

- How would our health improve if we stopped eating meat?

- Is the number of meat eaters in the world increasing or decreasing?

- What kind of animal product is also bad for our environment apart from meat?

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Are you a dragon? A different Chinese zodiac sign? Do you believe in horoscopes?

What the Year of the Dragon Means for You According to Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

"A person’s Chinese zodiac sign is determined by his or her date of birth," Chinese metaphysics consultant Vicki Iskandar tells PEOPLE ahead of the New Year

Published on February 10, 2024 10:00AM EST

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
What the Year of the Dragon Means for You According to Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Chinese zodiac signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig
Dragon Chinese zodiac sign. 


For those born in the year of the Dragon, 2024 is your year! Many changes and opportunities may arise in 2024 as the Grand Duke Jupiter visits your sign. 

“The year one encounters the animal sign of their birth is usually a life-changing one, and it often coincides with Jupiter return in one's natal chart,” writes Iskandar in her prediction blog.

The Dragon as a Yang Earth sign possesses resilience and confidence, and are “naturally lucky and successful” due to their intelligence and strong intuition.

Iskandar warns of “self-sabotaging behaviors,” though, as the Dragon is afflicted with the “Double Dragon Penalty,” which can cause “self-doubts and self-defeating thoughts and actions” as a result.

Since 2024 is a Dragon return year, Iskandar notes you’ll “have the power to turn your life around for the better” if you stay positive and believe in yourself. She recommends keeping a bird charm on you for good luck.

“It’s a good idea to carry a charm or symbol of the Bird or the Rooster as the Dragon’s secret friend this year for protection,” writes Iskandar, noting a Phoenix as one of her top suggestions. 


C2.2: The New York Times: The Apple Vision Pro Is a Marvel, But Who Will Buy It?

Could you summarise this text using your own words?

Will you be buying one anytime soon? Why/ why not?

The Beatles’ English Course: Songs to Learn English According to Your Level

Click on the link below to read and listen to the article:

The Beatles’ English Course: Songs to Learn English According to Your Level (

6 exercises to practise & improve speaking English at home ALONE!

I do hope this helps. Her PDFs are also very useful.

How to pronounce the past of regular verbs

Practise saying each of these words out loud:

watched | inspired | painted

Did you know that the -ed endings of these words are each pronounced differently?

  • watched → /wɒtʃt/
  • inspired → /ɪnˈspaɪəd/
  • painted → /ˈpeɪntɪd/

Confused? Let me explain!

Make sure you click on the link below to hear audio clips of all of today's words and example sentences.

How to pronounce 'ed' at the end of a word

There are three ways to pronounce the letters '-ed' at the end of a word.


This is a crisp voiceless consonant sound made by firmly pressing your tongue against your gum ridge, just behind your teeth, without touching your teeth. Use only the tip of your tongue, avoiding any flattening. As you exhale, let the built-up air pressure release with a puff when you free your tongue.

You can practise this sound with the words -

taste → /teɪst/ | tattle → /ˈtætl/


This is a soft, voiced consonant sound made the same way as /t/. The key difference here is the vibration that we add in the vocal cords, making it ‘voiced’. Remember only to use the tip of your tongue when making this sound.

Let’s practise this sound with these words -

diddy → /ˈdɪdi/ | doodle → /ˈduːdl/


We make this sound by combining the lax vowel sound /ɪ/ that we learnt yesterday with the voiced consonant /d/.

rapid  /ˈræpɪd/ | valid  /ˈvælɪd/

How do I know which sound to use?

The 'T' Rule

If a word ends with a voiceless consonant sound like /p/, /f/, /s/, /k/, etc., the 'ed' ending is pronounced as a /t/.

stopped → /stɒpt/ | kicked  /kɪkt

The 'D' Rule

When a word ends with a voiced consonant (other than /d/) or a vowel sound, the 'ed' ending is pronounced as a /d/.

played → /pleɪd/ | loved  /lʌvd/

The 'ID' Rule

If a word ends with a /t/ or /d/ sound, then the 'ed' ending is pronounced as /ɪd/. This adds an extra syllable to the word.

started → /ˈstɑːtɪd/ | aided → /ˈeɪdɪd/

Let’s practise!

Here are a few practice sentences to help you nail the different 'ed' sounds.

  1. The striped cat jumped over the stacked boxes, landed softly and started sleeping.
  2. Rob painted the old gate, fixed the rusted tap and ended the day feeling satisfied.
  3. Mildred hoped the sorted files helped the team stay organised and fostered productivity.
  4. Luke's moose put a hook in the blue brook.​

Remember, consistent practice is key! Don't be afraid to stumble or sound silly – that's how we learn and improve.

See you tomorrow for Day 3 of the Pronunciation Boot Camp, where we'll put your newfound skills to the test!

In the meantime, keep practising those '-ed' endings!

'-ed' Ending Sounds -

(Source: English with Lucy)

See you around

Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...