Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Blog contribution. Esther. C2.2.

Thanks for sharing this text with us, Esther.

Holidays out of your comfort zone

Are you tired of going to your hometown on your summer holidays? If you are planning a holiday that pushes you out of your comfort zone, here are some ideas. 

Have you thought about a survival expedition or maybe a solo trip

Joining a survival expedition can teach you essential survival skills that can be very useful if, for example, you get lost in the jungle.

How about a solo trip? Imagine that you embark on a solo trip to a destination youve never been to. This can be a great opportunity to discover yourself and build self-confidence.

These two possibilities sound really promising and can contribute to experience a unique holiday. Not only are they exotic alternatives, but also some new skills can be learnt.

Based on my personal experience, I’d say that experimenting with different types of holidays can be fun, but maybe only to some extent.

I tried the solo trip once and, as everything in life, there were pros and cons. I had a sense of independence, but at the same time, I had a feeling of loneliness.

To sum up, I recommend you plan your holiday according to your interests and your comfort level. Its essential to ensure your safety and well-being throughout your trip. Keep in mind that you can always go back to your hometown at any time!!!.

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