Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Can you watch this short video and summarise it?



  1. In the video a teacher explains to his students how they would live their lives. He was filling a bottle with ping pong’s balls, little stones and sand. The ping pong’s balls was bigger than the other things and represented the important things in their lives, family, friends and love. The little stones represented the second important things, work, house, car… And the sand represented all those little things which didn’t matter.
    The moral is, fill your life with the greatest things and don’t lose your life with the little things.
    After that the teacher threw some beer in the bottle and said: “You always must have time for a beer with a friend” I think that
    It’s a very good lesson for our lives!

    1. Excellent, Pedro. See some corrections below:
      In the video a teacher explains to his students how they would live their lives. He was filling a bottle with ping pong (NO SAXON GENITIVE) balls, little stones and sand. The ping pong balls wERE bigger than the other things and represented the important things in their lives, family, friends and love. The little stones represented the second
      MOST important things, work, house, car… And the sand represented all those little things which didn’t matter.
      The moral is, fill your life with the greatest things and don’t WASTE your life ON the little things.
      After that the teacher POURED some beer inTO the bottle and said: “You always must have time for a beer with a friend” I think that
      It’s a very good lesson for our lives!
      Thanks so much for using the blog.

  2. Interesting. I think the teacher explains it very well.

  3. My summary is that we should focus on the things that really make that our lives will be happy and good. we shouldn´t waste time on tasks that they are not going to improve us. Time passes quickly and you have to take advantage of it.

    1. I agree most completely.
      See some corrections below:
      My summary is that we should focus on the things that really make our lives happy and good. We shouldn´t waste time on tasks that are not going to MAKE US BETTER PEOPLE. Time passes quickly and you have to take advantage of it.


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Dear all, I wish I could have said bye in person, but unfortunately I'll be on sick leave till 27th May at least. I'm sorry I wasn&#...